How to Succeed in an Interview
After having applied for a numerous amount of job offers, you’ve finally received the long-awaited phone call that’s invited you to take part in an interview! After the excitement of this tiny victory, stress begins to mount, and you’re worried that you won’t measure up to what employers are looking for. No need to panic, you’ll find everything you need to know here.
Looking for a job is a real, full-time job in itself between writing résumés, cover letters, looking at past offers, speculative applications, and interviews. After multiple efforts your résumé has finally captured the attention of an eventual future employer… it’s time to score points in the interview!
Useful Advice in Preparing for an Interview
1. Pay attention to your appearance. Choose your outfit with care because it reflects your personality. It’s best to show that you’re a dynamic and competent person.
2. Prepare for your interview with care. Inform yourself about the business, its history, finances, etc. and show that you’re interested in your future workplace. Don’t give the impression that you’re there by chance.
3. Have a winning attitude. If they’ve called to tell you that they like you, you need to show them that they have a good reason to, keeping in mind that you’re there because this business interests you.
4. Don’t agree to everything. An interview is an exchange, and they need as much of you as you need of them. Don’t become the victim of anything.
5. Polish your résumé. You should know you résumé like the back of your hand. Is there a gap in your résumé? That’s nothing serious, but you should know how to justify it…