How to Succeed in Any Relationship
Relationships are beautiful.
Relationships are everlasting.
Relationships take a LOT of WORK.
And relationships are worth the work. We all know we want them. We all attempt creating them. Yet so many times, it seems like they are more work than they’re worth. I am speaking from first hand experience.
Any type of relationship, business and personal , take work. They need to be developed and nurtured. And they need to be up kept.
I know for myself and I have heard this from Steve Chandler, that ALL trouble in our relationships come from EXPECTATIONS. And I see this in myself EVERY SIGLE DAY. I can ONLY get upset when I am expecting something to happen or not happen. I can only get frustrated when my expectations are not being met. I can only not be happy when I expected something else then what IS.
I have never coached someone who was struggling with something in their life that the source wasn’t coming from expectations.
And this is SUCH great news! It means I am completely in control of how I feel and my mood, because all I need to do is recognize it’s coming from my expectations- from my friend, from my partner, from my boss- and letting go of them.
How can I get upset at my wife for waking me up in middle of the night, if I never expected her NOT to? How can I get upset at my friend for not inviting me if I never expected him to invite me? And in the contrary, when I don’t expect him to, and he does- that’s a pleasant surprise! That’s amazing!
Every single time I am not happy , it’s because I expected something else. And most of the time, it’s a fight with reality. How crazy is that?
When I expect nothing from this person I am in relationship with, I can now properly build this relationship. This relationship I am choosing to be in, I can nurture it regardless of what I am getting. I can only give up a relationship that I am in in ORDER to get. If I go into a relationship expecting certain things, it’s already a disaster.
This is something I could speak about forever, but alas, I will not. I hope this has started you thinking for yourself.
Creating Clients Coach
5 年Sahil Nanda