How to submit incidents to the Canada Press Freedom Project
The Canada Press Freedom Project monitors threats to press freedom. What’s our methodology and how can you contribute?
CPFP maintains a public database tracking press freedom violations in 12 categories, including arrests, online threats and chilling statements, among others.
Why? As the types of threats and restrictions affecting journalism and the public record increase, the CPFP believes efforts to safeguard press freedom will benefit from comprehensive data.?
How? We collect reports directly from media workers and also track publicly reported incidents.
If you’re a media worker who has experienced or witnessed interference while or because of doing your job, get in touch with the CPFP here:
The CPFP covers incidents affecting all media workers – people involved in the process of newsgathering – who are doing or have done journalism in good faith.?
Important: to publish a report, CPFP generally requires sources’ names – but if you have safety, employment or other concerns, we don’t have to publish it. There are also several ways to contact CPFP securely.
Interested in using our data for your reporting or research? Request it here.
CPFP also tracks online threats. If you’re receiving threats of violence aimed at you or people close to you, or targeted harassment based on your identity, report them here:
CPFP publishes aggregated data on online threats, but individual reports will never be shared – except with the consent of the person targeted in specific instances like highly publicized targeted campaigns, or when charges have been laid.
CPFP also takes reports from third parties, with the consent of the person targeted. If you’re interested in this, ask your union rep, editor, industry association or someone you trust to get in touch.
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