How Story Telling Affects Your Brain
Right now, everyone is taking in a LOT of pandemic news and media from around the world. Much of it is very sad and negative. So how is your brain processing all that media and making sense of all the incoming information?
People are already accustomed to stories that include characters, outcomes and timeframes. Our brains use Neural Coupling to turn the story into our own ideas and experiences. Multiple readers will also experience similar brain activity called Mirroring.
Our brains will release Dopamine making the event easier to remember. And finally, a well-told story stimulates Cortex Activity in many areas of the brain including the motor and sensory cortexes – like sight, smell, hearing, and touch.
All this is important because the only way you can create emotion in anyone is to have them buy into your story first. Our company, PMLogic was established by me [James] during the last great GFC (Global Financial Crisis) in 2009. Since then our company, like all companies I know, we have been through a fair share of success, failures, and bumps along the way – all the while successfully training, mentoring and helping executives to implement their strategies.
We have learnt a lot along the way - including how to overcome almost every complex implementation difficulty. We are always looking forward to the next challenge, so how is it that we may help you through these troubling times? And, maybe you’d like to share your story with us?