How To Stop Repeating The Same Marketing Mistakes

How To Stop Repeating The Same Marketing Mistakes

On February 2nd 1887 the first official Groundhog Day celebration was held at Gobbler’s Knob, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

Originally a german tradition of celebrating Candlemas, or the official end of the Christmas period, Groundhog day was popularized by Hollywood, in a movie starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, where townsfolk gathered to find out whether Punxsutawney Phil saw his own shadow to determine that spring will soon begin, or by not seeing his shadow, that winter will continue for six more weeks.

In the movie Bill Murray's character begins the day as usual, remaining a belligerent, grumpy no-hoper with zero purpose or passion for his life. He wakes the next day and it's oddly familiar, in fact, it's Groundhog Day again!

He relives the same day over and over again, trying to break the cycle so he can move on, but it's not until he changes himself that he can escape the monotony.

Many people today are realising that, even if we made lots of New Year resolutions, made plans or set goals, we are already one month into the year, and most have little to show for it. You might even fall into the trap of feeling like this year is going to be the same as last year, Groundhog Day, with a lack of purpose or direction.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Here are some tips to regroup, refresh and get your brand and business out there:

1) Stop Listening To The Haters

A lion was crossing a swamp when he heard an odd voice and seeing nobody he became worried. He started walking again, listening carefully and the voice continued, making him tremble with fear. As he apprehensively stepped forward, shaking and scared to go on, a bullfrog crawled out of the pond beside him. The lion, upon discovering that the noise he had heard was nothing but the croaking of a tiny little creature, went up to it, and partly out of anger, partly contempt stomped on it.

This fable shares how FEAR, which stands for False Expectations Appearing Real, can stop us in our tracks. If we let it.

If you feel you are stuck repeating the same behaviour, hiding away from the world, worried about what others will say if you stick your neck out and start promoting your business, look at the bigger picture of where you are going and what you have set out to achieve, they are just little frogs who won’t amount to much as you travel along your own journey towards success.

2) Remove Yourself From The Picture

When you get 100% clear on what your brand stands for and why are you even in business, knowing your purpose and why are you going in a certain direction, it becomes less about you and more about those you help.

Tech billionaire and fan favourite from Dragons Den, Robert Herjavec once said “Don’t start a business. Find a problem, solve a problem, The business comes second.”

What is the problem that you solve and whom do you help most?

By putting them at the centre of your marketing efforts. it takes the pressure off you getting out there and sharing your stories, winning awards, being interviewed on podcasts and writing articles.

If no one knows about you, how can you help them?

3) Remember Your Core Values

Holding off talking about yourself, your business and what drives you, because you feel you are nowhere near as successful as others in your industry and you worry that there will be backlash, is only going to hold back your brand awareness.

Every time you put off entering awards, responding to a media call or commenting on important topics because you fear someone will call you out and put you back in the place where they think you belong, is giving in to self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

Chances are, many business owners are more afraid of other peoples opinions than of failure itself, yet, because we live in probably the most opinionated societies with keyboard barriers and constant media trolls, ready to take people down, fear of being attacked can be very real.

But if you are not bold in business, if you hide away your brand will fade into the background and lose its voice, drowned out in a sea of overwhelming noise.

To overcome the fear of self-promotion or marketing your business, focus on what your brand stands for, the values and motives that drive you and your team and why it's so important to you that you deliver services or products.

Make a stand and have an opinion. Be brave and courageous when it comes to stating why your business does things a certain way. Be prepared to have people disagree with you.

It's actually an opportunity to be seen and noticed, not a threat.

Fear of the unknown can stop you from growing, stunt your brand awareness and keep your business hidden from view, making every day the same, repeated vicious circle of hesitancy, loss of opportunity and guilt that you aren't doing enough to stand out.

If you are experiencing groundhog day when it comes to marketing or promoting your brand and business, go back to your passion and purpose, to the very reason why you established your business in the first place.

Your core values can help you overcome fear, deal with uncertainty and break the cycle of monotony in your business, so you can become well known, well paid and wanted.

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Lauren Clemett is a Keynote speaker, International award-winning Neurobranding specialist and best selling author with over 25 years brand management experience. Lauren shares how to overcome overwhelm and get a clear direction to make marketing professional and business services a walk in the park!


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