How to Stop Procrastinating in 4 simple step

Procrastination: Our biggest enemy

Everyone has dreams, Everyone has the talent yet only some of us make it into reality. You might think it’s about circumstances and opportunities but in real its way simpler than that. It all depends on focus and taking the first step and sticking to it. But we all do not even take the first step because of procrastination.

We all want to do something different in our life... like starting a startup or anything we have dreamed about since childhood but instead of working on that dream we start procrastinating.

AND that's why to help you I have summed up 6 practical ways Stop Procrastinating.


Break the task into smaller parts so you would know

  • how many steps do you have
  • how much time it will take
  • how much resources it will take

This will help you to check the actual size of the task and will also let you know about the resources this particular task will need.

2.Understand the task step by step

Do you know exactly what it means to accomplish the task? Can you explain the walkthrough?

After breaking the task into smaller parts/steps now you gotta understand what action you need to take in every step.

3. Do the 5 why’s Exercise

When trying to stop Procarasting this thing helps you the most.

Ask yourself these questions “why do I want to do this”, “what good will it bring to me” and answer. then ask again, like a curious child. Repeat question 3 more time.

4. Change the Environment

Mostly we start doing everything right from our home but where do you think you get distracted the most? obviously in your home. So when executing the task make sure you execute it somewhere, where there is no one to distract you.


