How to stop missing deadlines
Are you the kind of writer?who misses deadlines?
I know you well.?In fact, I used to?be?you.?
When I was at university,?many decades ago, I had a difficult time with deadlines. I tried hard to meet them, often staying up all night to research and write. But sometimes I just couldn’t manage finishing on time.?
One day,?I was about a week late with a paper?and I accidentally strolled by the prof’s office. Yikes! There he was, sitting at his desk, reading. I ran. He chased after me, caught up and then told me in the nicest possible way that I really needed to hand in that paper ASAP. A truly great teacher (who has since become a friend – hi Don!), he didn’t even dock any marks from me.?
People miss deadlines?for many reasons. The most common one is perfectionism — the one that always undid me. Our words don’t live up to our images of ourselves and our “inner editors” go bonkers. “Surely you can do better than that,” we say to ourselves. “You’re such a loser.” This feedback makes writing so unpleasant, we put it off.?
But there are other reasons?for missing deadlines: perhaps you’re too disorganized (meaning you forgot about the deadline because you didn’t write it down, or you thought the deadline was later). Maybe you were sick or had to tend to a sick family member. Perhaps you were overly optimistic about how much you’d be able to do, how quickly??
In some ways, however,?it doesn’t matter?what your?reas?excuses might be. Here are 10 ways to meet your deadlines:
1-Organize yourself better
Everyone’s system is going to be a little different, but develop a way of being able to view all of your deadlines in one place. You can use software if you like or go old-school and just put sticky notes on the calendar in front of you. If you take even this small step, you’ll be able to spot conflicts easily and quickly — when you have plenty of time to resolve them. To make your system really effective, be sure to record all your writing assignments?as soon as you receive them.?
2-Make sure you understand what’s expected of you
There’s nothing worse than being just before the due date and discovering that you’re missing some information that you need in order to finish the job. Study your assignment carefully to be sure you understand all aspects of it and you won’t leave yourself in the lurch at the last moment.
3-Break big projects into smaller chunks
It’s overwhelming and discouraging to have an enormous project and no idea about when you’re going to finish it. Instead, turn your “monster” into a dozen “mini-monsters.” This is about more than psychology. Research has shown that human beings are much?better at tracking and completing small tasks?than ‘managing their time.’?
4-Be realistic
Many of us become blissfully upbeat when planning how we’re going to attack that next writing project. We always think that future Daphne or future Dave is going to be more accomplished and more productive than they can ever be. Productivity researchers call this problem the “planning fallacy.”?Be aware of it — it affects all human beings — and allow yourself plenty of time to work around it. (Tips 5 to 7 will help.)
5-Front-load your days and weeks
Most of us can do more at 7 or 8 am than at 3 pm and more on Mondays and Tuesdays than Thursdays or Fridays. Why? We have more energy earlier in the day/week and our?willpower?is higher. If a writing project is important to you, work on it first in the day and first in the week. Not only will you be faster, but the work will also seem easier to you.
6-Stop editing while writing
Editing while writing not only makes you a lousy writer, it makes you a crummy editor as well. (You don’t yet have enough perspective.) In my?Get It Done writing program,?I focus on breaking this habit and it’s the single accomplishment my clients most celebrate reaching. It helps most of them more than double their writing speed. Read some tips?here.??
7-Work in?pomodoros
Set a timer for 25 minutes and then give your writing project your total concentration. Don’t answer the phone. Don’t check email. Don’t surf the internet or check Facebook. Don’t do anything except your work. As soon as the timer “dings,” take a regulated five-minute break and then start on another pomodoro.?I’ve been working this way for almost 15 years now?and I can tell you that my writing productivity took a gigantic leap as soon as I started using this system.
8-Understand the perils of Parkinson’s law?
Writing?always?expands to fill available time. Also known as?Parkinson’s Law,?this principle means that if you give yourself a large amount of time for writing,?you will need all of it. The rule applies to all areas of life, including house-cleaning and project-management, but it’s an acute issue for writers. If you give yourself six hours to complete what should have been a two-hour writing project, I guarantee you will use every minute. Conversely, if you challenge yourself to write in a shorter amount of time — even an?unreasonably?short amount — you’ll likely get the work done in the shorter time frame.
9-Generate automated reminders of upcoming due dates
You know the automated reminders you get from your dentist’s office? You can set up the same thing for yourself. I just use my to-do software (Zenkit ToDo)?which allows me to attach a due date to every task. Note that I don’t schedule the job for the actual due date – I schedule it well?before?that — for when I want to?begin?working on the project. It’s amazing what we can forget without reminders like this.
10-Start and finish early
In my early university days, I prided myself on my “just-in-time” essay writing. The result? I sometimes missed deadlines. Now I pride myself on always starting and finishing early. These days, I leave nothing to the last minute because I know that’s only going to stress me out and make my life unpleasant. I’d much rather work on a project for a small amount of time daily for, say, 15 days, then leave it all to a mad clump of panic the day before it’s due.?
And I’ve?never?known a client?to be unhappy about getting their work?early.?
This post first appeared on The Publication Coach blog. ?