How To Stop Interrupting Others
We all have had the experience of someone continually interrupting us. Could be on video team meetings; in-person staff meetings; gatherings of colleagues; family parties. Someone is jumping in and changing the subject; talking over us; not letting us complete a thought or acting as if we are not even speaking.
How do you react when this happens? Get mad? “I’m not done talking”! Walk away? None of those really work and it might issue a perception that we are weak or at the very least, not patient.
What I coach: eye contact; deep breaths; saying to the other – “interesting points – let’s get to them in a moment’; at an in-person meeting, just stand until they are quiet; always thank people for listening and congratulate them for their points too. Yes, I know this is hard…but not getting interrupted is like a very important skill similar to “negotiation”.?
May I help????[email protected]