How to stop hating yourself?

Why people could have the feeling of being lost and have no dream to follow?

We all feel lost from time to time and don’t eager to follow any dreams or aims, because we can’t accept sacrifices, losses, maturity phases towards the targeted aims.

There are some major reasons as follows:

May be we feel occupied by our life commitments and can’t find any room to upgrade ourselves or develop any new opportunities around.

May be we are following irrational aims which don’t match our status or resources or don’t have time to contain this aim or target.

May be we are at our comfort state and zone, and can’t see our life any better.

May be we are confused by being failed, and bailed out by many trials priory.

?Why picking your environment is important?

Your thoughts and life gains shaped by what you hear, see, feel, and your company as well.

If you are connected with negative or toxic environments don’t expect any development as you can’t see or manifest any of your targeted aims because they will put you down, and you won’t find anyone to lift you up when you need support as they can’t imagine or affirm your steps ahead towards your dreams.

Insure to know your circle of influence and to secure your circle of concerns.

And ensure to have all the perks in place in order to follow your aims without hard times than what will pop up throughout your way.

How Sequence of negative events could ruin minds?

We all have sort of well and energy flows renewed daily and get charged by achievements, quick wins, and wins.

we lose a big portion of this energy by facing sequence of negative events till we feel humiliated and by time we exposed to these events we might never regain or momentum and energy back as the same of our initial state.

Feeling drained is ok, but we can’t pass by this state unless we avoid the root causes of this feeling, and take all initiatives to change by being more flexible and honest with ourselves, otherwise we will be trapped in the same draining loop day after day, and by time we will get used on it, hence gave up, and don’t tackle anymore, then losses will come across along our way all around.

Being passive and don’t exaggerate to each problem ins and outs, and try to go for some steps Ahead from our side to solve, and handle each problem aside, will be the best way to keep your energy positive flows and momentum without driving ourselves to the drama vortex in order to think clearer for the coming challenges.?

Why living apart at some phases of your life is vital to grow?

Not all of us can handle to live apart. Most of us can’t manage living our life challenges alone we only stick to this life if we are more concerned about our future bucket list of aims.

To grow you should live, and attend some challenges alone without anyone beside you as he/she won’t feel how hungry we are towards our targeted aims, and it will be the best solution in order to wrap up all what you need without any distraction back and forth.

Then by time we will be able to meet the same people who face the same challenges and following the same dreams.

Being introvert at specific phases of your life is vital towards steps up to your new maturity phase and level, and by time you will know when exactly to be extrovert and with whom without wasting your energy flows or losing your foresight to your targeted aims.

Finally, to elevate and grow, it’s better to sacrifice with your time, resources, and joy towards what you want the most.

How to overcome yourself hating and get the root causes of the hate?

1.??????List all the severe, seasonal, and ordinary problems that you are facing currently.

2.??????Analyze each problem and your last responses while overcoming, and list all what you have been missed or didn’t give it a trial before.

3.??????Restructure your thoughts as a third party to each problem aside, and compare your versions of resolutions priory.

4.??????Practice gratitude and think on each problem and list all rational and irrational resolution which you can initiate at your end and relate them to your criteria and resources.

5.??????Prioritize problem’s resolutions based on its severity and weight.

6.??????Ensure to find your happiness and satisfaction part on each resolution in the first place then start to take over and tackle.

7.??????Celebrate your quick wins and win, but keep it low.

8.??????Celebrate again!

How depression lead to urges and hate oneself?

being depressed will drive any human being to barriers to use his mind with full functionality, at a certain point you will function less than fifty percent of your foresight to handle problems as you have many rebounds, and inner battles which ban your clear and critical thinking to handle what you are facing.

If your depression is occasionally you can practice breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation its really help most of the people.

And if its chronical or a permanent feeling you can ask for professional help, specially for who suffer any mental illness or suffering depression as one of the side effects from any prescription drugs based on your diagnosis.

How routine could ruin your energy flows?

Routine is either a thread of actions and events within specific time frames initiated by yourself or others towards the same end results.

Not all the routines which we follow are healthy you can’t rely on healthy routine for a long time and look for change or any extraordinary spark as you didn’t initiate any extra miles to boost your energy flows.

Energy, and courage arise by overachievements and being compatible at new challenges.

being humble to get the knowhow from others is the first key to go for new opportunities with the knowledge needed to pass by easily, and being confident and rebellion to face struggles is second key based on rational ground, if you have both keys you will be the source who enlighten to yourself and others to boost positive energy, and courage, and to have the whistle to try and succeed.

What are the pitfalls of positive energy flows?

1. No place for energy flows or positive vibes generated by us its only courage and effort: if you are skillful or have any expertise, and good vibes with a slight percentage of luck you will attract the warriors’ momentums to achieve efficiently than what you can deliver at your ordinary state and the reason will be always your energy flows.

2. Being successful don’t mean that you have energy boosters: always professionals at any sector or major will reach to the success equation way faster than any one.

You might find two executers for the same tasks, one of them go by book and rely on the knowledge base delivered by his/her superiors, and the other one created his/her method with all the Manuel work around for wrapping up without deviation and way smarter, and the reason for how successful the 2nd one, that he is doing it with passion, and energy flows to reach the optimality of wrapping up with the best manners and skills ever.

3. Leaning on your inner energy flows don’t exist: what differs professional athlete than others, is how he/she goes to the extra mile, and keeps the same spirit and performance till the last seconds to break their records along.

They know when to lean on their agility, breath, and stamina and to overcome any pop ups as their energy flows can’t see anything than their targeted aims to break the habits and records.

How living on several edges lead to elevation or miss?

If you are facing many severe struggles and challenges which need all your focus on each without recalling other struggles aligned, then congratulations you are a step ahead to your next phase of maturity to be a better version of yourself to new level of your life.

It’s vital to care about yourself and don’t being irritated by others as you have many scenarios up and running and you don’t have any room for drawbacks, as each chapter of your life has many drawbacks for entrance.

It’s better to prioritize your time to be efficient with the occurred events, and look to the bright part on your journey and don’t be judgmental not all what you face or see is real and will remain, some of what you see is assessment from others and to be on the top of the mountain it’s better to be aware of what underneath.

My advice is to take all initiatives and have faith on God’s plan and trust the process of elevation, and don’t give up.

To reach a comfort state at your life, you should pass by some barriers to be compatible for the next chapter challenges.

?Conclusion: grind your fruitful results without getting backward?

Stereotyping, delusions, and rebounds are the major issues faced while growing to distract you and burden yourself love, joy, positive vibes, and energy flows to reach your goals.

Once you get started its better to accept challenges before wins, not all struggle should matter you like others, somehow ignorance and passivity could be the best substitute to avoid going back ward.

Finally, grind what you achieved, and don’t give anyone a chance to let you down or ruin your momentum or your tools of success and it’s the best form of self-love. ?


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