How To Stop Going Into Work. Increase Your Income Potential and Spend More Time With Family.

How To Stop Going Into Work. Increase Your Income Potential and Spend More Time With Family.

Stop going in, increase your income potential and spend more time with family. Sounds too good to be true right? You'r probably thinking that this guy is committing career suicide right?

I dreamed of the perfect reality but I was scared to death to go after it. Fear had me immobilized, I almost gave up before I started. However, the dream had been born. The spark of an idea was there. I've been working around my daughter's school schedule for quite some time now and guess what, I'm doing alright. There have DEFINITELY been some ups and downs but I will share with you, what I did.

Now, what did I do to actualize this dream? How did a professional chef, a hospitality lifer go from chained to an oven to working from a computer and a phone?

#1 You are not in the game until you are in the game. Thinking about doing something is not the same as doing something. Showing up is half the battle. For real. Get off the couch, take a risk, start doing something. Even if you don't pick the right thing the first time, you will at least start to sift through the multitude of things out there.

#2 Try your hardest. If you expect results, you have to try your hardest. Once you go after your dream, you will attract diversity and half ass will quit every time. Bam, you're back to your office, tail between legs.

#3 Find a business where you ACTUALLY can make money. Do the math and read the fine print period. Make sure it's worth your while.

#4 Passion. If I have heard it once, I've heard it a million times. It's true, if you don't like something, you're not going to try very hard. That's a no brainer but I had to include it.

$5 THE SECRET SAUCE actually has 2 Ingredients. Your attitude and your action level. Once you've got your ideal business in the works. Take action every day. Keep taking the next logical steps. As you're taking those steps, have a great attitude or at least the best attitude you can muster. Your attitude will attract others to support you and join your cause. It will garner support from loved ones and pave the way to the resources you need.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading. You may be asking yourself, what is it I should I do to make money from home? SHOW ME AND I WILL DO IT! It's not that simple. There are thousands if not more ways to make money online and I will write about some of them later. When you go looking, YOU MUST HAVE AN OPEN MIND. Odds are those opportunities are going to look strange. Why wouldn't they, you've never done them before.

You will most likely be looking at a career change of some kind and that will have a learning curve. Why are you here in the first place? Don't you want to quit going in, make more money and spend more time with family? Now is the time you dig deep and get to work. What interests one person, won't be a good fit for another.

I work in the Online Education and Network Marketing industry. I've had a passion for education for as long as I can remember and it fits very well with my lifestyle. I'm already doing it every day, why not get paid for it. Marketing on the other hand, was my learning curve. I was a huge clutz and I am a bull in a china shop. Another thing was confidence. It took some time to build my confidence and I am not ashamed of that. For me, a home based direct sales business was the fastest way to get to where I wanted to go. You choose your own strategy and get started. If there is anything I can do to help, including a face to face phone call or pep talk, let me know. I'd be happy to. Feel free to reach me at my cell 1-401-585-0236, my email [email protected] or my website


