How to Stop Foreclosure By Taking Loan

How to Stop Foreclosure By Taking Loan

No one wants to have their house foreclosed as they have invested a lot of time, effort and memories to it. So if your house is on foreclosure then this may be one of the ways you can save it.


You can take out a new loan to cover off your existing loan including the delinquent balance. But if you are on foreclosure due to falling behind on some payments then this method might not be the best for you.

Reverse Mortgage

Ever heard of a reverse mortgage? It is when they convert a part of your equity to cash but unlike the regular mortgage that needs monthly payment, this does not require monthly payments and do not need the owner to vacate. This is usually a common option among the elderly with a limited income.

They are the ones who will make monthly payments in exchange for your assets. Unlike mortgages that decline over time, this accumulates as the interest and payment stacks.

How is the payment made?

  • Lump sum
  • Monthly Installments
  • Line of credit

When is the amount due?

  • The owner sells the property
  • Transfers to a nursing home
  • Dies



  • Property value and loan amount
  • Your income
  • Credit score

Reverse Mortgage

  • Mortgage balance
  • Value of the property
  • The condition of the property

Before you consider this, you should look at it from all angles. See the best option you can take and get an opinion from a trusted family or colleague. This stage is stressful and what adds to the stress is the financial aspect that you have to take care of.  Let me help alleviate the stress and uncertainty of dealing with a property that you need to sell fast. I can help by offering a Cash offer that closes in 14 to 30 days from the moment we sign the purchase agreement. I am fast, thorough and honest. Go ahead and reach to me by visiting our website right away:


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