How To Stop Fighting Over Money With Your Spouse (Husband And Wife Fighting About Money)
How to stop fighting over money with your spouse - Husband and wife fighting about money.
Financial matters are the top most reasons for the increasing number of fights in America.
The reason behind this is that our daily life includes many decisions related to finance.
So, there can be a difference in opinion between the partners regarding the same and so, it can lead to daily fights between them.
Sometimes, one of the two wants to take control over financial matters and this is when the problem emerges.
There can be many underlying issues related to money. Well, no matter what the situation is, most of the couples tend to fight over any issue that they can get.
Sometimes, people fight over issues like where they should go on vacations and sometimes, over how the money should be handled.
As far as spending habits are concerned, we learn them from our parents. That is why different people have a different style of money management.
There are a lot of families that are suffering from financial crisis.
Money is important and it will always remain like that. But, fights over money make relations bitter and they spoil the sweetness of the relation.
In order to resolve trivial fights over financial matters, the best way is to take a common decision and an agreement about money.
Both the partners should decide how they will spend, how the money should be saved and how that money should be spend in future.
When both the partners come to a common solution, they both can feel satisfied.
If both the partners can come up to some decision, the matter can be resolved very easily.
Effective Ways To Never Fight About Money
Problems that are grounded on the financial aspect, especially on money, are detrimental to a marriage. Fights over money can turn nasty and can even break up a couple. But what most couples fail to realize is that money is never worth a fight over. This is what couples have to realize so that they do not easily panic over disagreements due to money matters. Here are some tips you can keep in mind to avoid letting your marriage down the drain just because of money.
1. Discuss first what your problems really are. Most couples think that when they fight over money, their only problem is related to the finances. But sometimes, the problem runs deep because there has been a breach of trust and respect. This is a greater problem to solve especially when not addressed immediately. You will only be solving the money issue, which is not even half the actual problem. Talk about what the fight really is all about. Is it just because a couple of dollars are spent or is it really due to the fact that you are expected to keep it only? This would help you determine the underlying issues that have to be resolved more accurately than the money issue.
2. Never ever speak when you are angry. This is the act that you would no doubt regret as soon as the fight is over. Arguments are emotionally draining. They stress you out and eventually make you lose your control over the words that you utter. Thus, always keep a cool and leveled head when discussing important financial matters. Do not let your bitterness cut through your words that will be remembered long after the fight is over.
3. Make a comparative list of "wants" versus "needs". This is the cardinal rule in spending. Never spend over something that you only want but not really need in a regular basis. But as much as this is true, it is just as important to know the difference between the two. It is easy to consider cosmetics as a necessity but if you really take a close look at your expenses, maybe you would realize it is just something you can live without. This is general principle has to be considered as well between couples. Have you already realized each other's money attitude? Who between the two of you is the thrifty one? Who is more into spending unwisely? These are questions you have to settle and understand completely for a compromise to be reached.
4. Do not accuse each other. Avoid playing the game of who stole the cookie form the cookie jar because it starts a trust issue, which is way deeper than any financial problems. Instead of accusing each other, try your best to settle the matter together.
5. More earnings do not necessarily mean having the upper hand in the relationship. Remember that the relationship is not based on the amount you share but on your feelings and love for each other. This also means that just because you earn bigger, you get more right to spend over anything you want especially if you have shared expenses to consider. Before this causes any conflict between you, talk about it and set parameters in spending both of your income.
6. Budgeting is not a job only for the woman. A common connotation among couples is that the wife should be the one to budget the finances and make sure that they meet the expenses. But this responsibility is not to be entrusted only to one side of the relationship. It is a matter that has to be discussed between you and your partner because you may have different priorities that may not all be met if you have only one head thinking. Both of you should know what is happening at home as well. You have to know which bills have to be paid already and whose earnings would be used to allocate funds for food. Marriage is a joint effort even in as minute a detail as budgeting. If things are well taken care of and financial matters are resolved easily, you can avoid a fight that would be sure to harm your cherished relationship.
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