How To Stop Feeling Overwhelmed By Your Business?
It’s Got To Change
Last week I hit the deck, I had got to the point of feeling incredibly angry and saddened at the sheer overwhelm that so many small business owners are going through at the moment.
Overwhelm is paralyzing so many business owners from moving forward, feeling like they’ve not achieved a level of success they desire is the driving force. Unfortunately, this overwhelm is causing the exact opposite of what they desire and is slowing down their growth potential.
Today I want to share how to overcome this feeling
?.? on…
Isn’t It Usual To Feel Overwhelmed?
You may believe that overwhelm is all part and parcel of growing a successful business.
But more often from not the overwhelm is coming from a place of information overload. ?
It all starts from a feeling of uncertainty on what to do to grow a business, leading to comparing to others’ success, resulting in feeling in a panic of why it isn't working for you.
?Here are a few of my observations to help you today – ?
?1. Stop – take a break and allow yourself space to tune into what you need to do, scale back on the to-do’s and focus.?
?2. Stop – panic buying from scarcity and FOMO, you don’t need to learn to create a course, how to launch, build a membership. These marketers will try to convince you that you cannot have business success without them ?
?3. Stop – taking on too much, having no boundaries and saying yes to the wrong things, signing up for free challenges that you don’t need ?
?I’m so frustrated at how marketing is going at the moment and something has to change. I really hope this helps, friend! ?
?Comment below if you’d like to see more of these tips in the future!
Have a greatly productive week ahead
With love and light
Sarah Humphreys