How to Stop Emotional Eating
Leonidas Esquire - ABS AFTER 50 CORPORATION - Mobile Health Coaching

How to Stop Emotional Eating

Create an emergency SOS Plan to help you navigate sticky situations.

First Get Excited (or your plan will not inspire you.)

Your plan should have 4 main sections: FOOD. GOALS. REENGAGE. COURAGE.

Your executed plan works best if one section flows into the next. Here's what I mean.

how to stop emotional eating
  • FOOD - make yourself a few healthy meals and snacks that will be super easy to enjoy when you’re tired and your will power is low. Explore a new healthy food blogger (have you read Skinnytaste or Pinch of Yum?)
  • GOALS - create a chart with achievable goals to meet every day in the coming week. And give yourself ‘Bonus Points’ for it being visually appealing. For example, draw 8 little cups for each day to represent drinking 8 cups of water and color in each one as you drink it. Have a column for meeting your step count (and make it low if you’re struggling with that). If you’re a snacker at work, have a column on your SOS-Plan for “only ate the food I brought to work” so you can check off that column if you succeed.
  • REENGAGE - are you posting to the tribe group text thread (soon to be Facebook Group)? Are you reading the documents and guides provided for you in the documents library? Maybe revisit some of the materials you have already read. Old thoughts from re-reading materials will resonate with you. It would also be helpful to journal your responses.
  • Courage – In this regard is the ability to acknowledge your past failures and still continue to get back on the path to weight loss and a better you mentally, physically and emotionally. The past does not equal the future. The future equals the future, and is not set in stone until it becomes the past.

Luck is often the coming together of a plan that is well thought out and well executed! You got this! And remember that it’s ok to gain back a few pounds now and again on the journey to your new body - you can only prioritize one thing over the other and it’s all right when family and festivities are more important than fitness for a day or a week.

Leonidas Esquire - Online Personal Trainer

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