How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others in the Workplace

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others in the Workplace

“Comparison is the Thief of Joy” - Theodore Roosevelt

You know why I stopped using Facebook personally? Comparison was stealing my joy. Why are they so happy? Why do they get to travel, again!?

The other day I was scrolling through LinkedIn and the same feelings cropped up. Why are they more successful than me? Why did they get that promotion? Am I falling behind??

Today's work environment is busy and competitive. It's common to compare your achievements, abilities, and career path with your peers. This habit can be tough on your self-esteem and hold you back from growing personally and professionally.?

As human beings, we tend to have unrealistic expectations of ourselves. At times, we define success by what the mainstream narrative is. Social media doesn’t help, either. And so, we create unrealistic expectations for ourselves based on what others perceive as success. Naturally, this makes many people feel unaccomplished and inadequate.?

Below, we'll look at practical ways and changes in thinking that can help you stop this harmful habit of constantly comparing yourself to others.?

Focus on Yourself?

“Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud.”? - Shannon L. Alder

According to a recent Skynova study, more than 40% of surveyed professionals admitted to feeling envy toward their colleagues at least once a week.?

The main causes of workplace envy were revealed to be salary, promotions, and career accomplishments. This shows that many people often compare themselves to coworkers at work. Comparison at the workplace is more common than we think.?

Ironically, even recognised high achievers compare themselves to others and self-criticise themselves for not meeting their own definition of? 'success.'?

This constant habit of comparing ourselves to others is draining. Without realising it, we’re shifting our focus away from our own goals and growth. The more we fixate on others, the less room we have to concentrate on our aspirations and the work we aim to accomplish.

Sometimes you give your best effort, yet it often feels insufficient. During moments like these, turning inward can be beneficial. Navigating this can be especially challenging in our social-media-driven world. We often only see the positive aspects of others' lives – luxurious vacations, ideal jobs, perfect relationships.?

It’s important to remember that social media marketing is a powerful tool for shaping a brand's narrative. It allows businesses to craft their image and engage with audiences. But, people often forget that social media often portrays idealised versions of life, leading to the misconception that everyone else's life is flawless. Everyone grapples with their difficulties and has their fair share of tough days, just like you do.?

Remember, you are unique, and there's only one you in this world, which is incredible. We should follow our paths and contribute uniquely to life and our workspaces.?

So take the time to explore your inner self, greatness, and light, and nurture that spark within you, whether at work or in your dance class.?

Focus On Your Strengths?

Happiness is the real sense of fulfilment that comes from hard work.” – Joseph Barbera

Shift your focus from external comparisons to internal excellence. You need to remember that the true measure of success lies in the quality and impact of your work and not how it compares to others’ work or achievements.?

What helps me is to focus on Just Doing Great Work. It’s even on our wall at the office! That’s a good thing to compare against, did I do my best? Was it great?

"We Do Great Work" -Shift ONE Digital

When you concentrate on delivering your best and continuously strive for improvement, you can unlock your full potential and make a meaningful difference in your career.?

There’s no way for anyone to be great at everything they do. Everyone has weaknesses. So, focus on your strengths rather than attempting to excel in everything. Prioritise tasks aligned with our natural talents and passions.?

Now’s the time to specialise in a niched skill, and be the best you can be at that one thing.

If you don’t believe in your abilities, no one else will, no matter how skilled you may be. While being motivated and inspired by others is valuable, it’s important not to be too hard on yourself if you’re not on the same level as them in certain areas.?

Even though there is always room for improvement, identify the things decreasing your work performance and continuously work on improving them. Enhance your skills by taking courses, attending webinars, and listening to podcasts in your field of expertise to expand your knowledge and continuously refine your skill set.

Schedule Focus Time?

Albert Einstein said, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."?

Invest time in meaningful projects. Spend more time on initiatives you believe in.?

To minimise distractions. It’s important to create time in your day to focus on your work without any distractions. This will give you the opportunity to prioritise important tasks and improve your focus.?

Sometimes changing your scenery can greatly improve your productivity and quality of work. According to a study done by the journal Nature Neuroscience, changing your work environment?

can boost your overall well-being and improve your mood and ability to work better.?

Managing your time is another great way to improve at work. When you understand your time management skills, you better understand how you can make the most of your time. With time, you’ll be able to complete tasks more efficiently.?

Keep Going

“You can do anything you put your mind to,” this is a phrase we’ve heard since we were children, and it's true. Cultivate persistence. We often forget that remarkable accomplishments require dedication and patience.?

In a study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, researchers from the University of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba suggest that our motivation increases as we work towards a goal.?

When we start, we're driven by our hopes and the idea of positive results. But as we progress, our attention shifts to concerns and potential negative outcomes. We become distracted.

Interestingly, it's often this fear that can derail moving forward. That fear could be because you’re comparing yourself to others and their goals, or you’re afraid of what others will think.?

If you feel like giving up, go for a long walk, clear your head, and find your focus again.?

Don’t quit just because it’s hard.

Breaking free from workplace comparison

Take Risks

Fear will hold you back and prevent you from reaching your full potential. You’ll start to conform and lose your individuality and self-confidence.?

When we do this, we stop being ourselves and start doing what we think others want. We avoid taking risks and trying new things because we’re afraid we won’t be as good as others. Or we fear making mistakes, or we fear criticism.?

Taking risks is an important part of doing great things. Don't be afraid to try new things and go beyond what feels safe and familiar when you're trying to do your best.

How does one step out and fearlessly do great work? The first step is to stop measuring yourself with another's yardstick. This will distort the reality of things.?

Redefine what failure is; this will change your perspective and help you move forward in your career. Taking risks builds resilience and builds confidence. You’ll also learn more about yourself, which is essential for succeeding in your career.?

Everyone has natural gifts and abilities. Instead of looking at what others do, focus on your own improvement and goals. Set your target and work towards it. Another very important step is to celebrate the wins and successes of others. Instead of feeling threatened and inadequate, use their success as an inspiration to succeed and learn from them. This also promotes a healthy work culture.?

Be Your Own Best Friend

When you are your own best friend, you don’t endlessly seek out validation from the wrong sources because you realise that the only approval and validation you need is your own.” – Mandy Hale

Very often we are kinder to others than we are to ourselves. To do great work, you need to begin thinking better about yourself. It’s common for people to criticise themselves when they compare themselves to others. Stop doing that. You need to be your own cheerleader. You need to be your own best friend.?

Why? When you speak positive and uplifting words over yourself, you recognise and value the special qualities that you bring to the table. And when you know what value you bring, you respect yourself more and feel more secure and satisfied with your work.?

Speak out positive declarations over yourself, like ‘I can…’ or ‘I am…’ positive life affirming statements have the power to bring you what you’re affirming over yourself…just as powerfully as the negative statements!

Commit to Gratitude?

Comparison often happens when you feel inadequate about something. It’s the classic; they have that, but I don’t. They’re good at that, but I’m not. They’re smarter than me, they have more than me, they are more successful than me, and so on.

Start a gratitude journal. Take a few minutes daily and write down what you’re grateful for. When you find yourself slipping into self-doubt, read from your journal, as a reminder of your talents and all that you should be grateful for.?

It’s easy to focus on what you don’t have, but take time to look at what you do have. It’s often one or two small things that steal all your joy, when in reality you have everything going for you.

Celebrate Your Achievements?

When you focus on your accomplishments, you are less likely to compare yourself to others. So, just as with your gratitude journal, write down your achievements and what you’re proud of.?

Whether it be in your professional or personal life. Include everything that you can think of; leave nothing out. Place that list where you can easily see and reflect on it often.?

There will always be people that we compare ourselves to. This is a natural human trait, but it doesn’t add any value to our lives when we begin to demean and undermine ourselves in comparison to others.?

When you do that, you give away your power. Take your power back and focus on yourself. Decide where you want your energy to be directed. Go back to the drawing board and realign your thoughts. Stop comparing yourself and just do great work.?

The relentless habit of measuring ourselves against our colleagues, fueled by the allure of social media and unrealistic expectations, can erode our self-esteem and hinder our growth. So, how can we break free from this cycle of comparison and focus on our unique path to success?

As you embark on your journey, remember that your power lies in focusing on your own growth and doing great work.?

Let's shift our focus, unlock our potential, and embrace the path to success, one step at a time.?

If you're hungry for more career insights, visit the Shift ONE blog on our website for additional guidance on your professional journey.


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