How to stop avoiding your most important projects

How to stop avoiding your most important projects

There is a project in your business, perhaps several, that you know will help you move forward if you would just do it.

But you aren’t. You keep avoiding it, are somehow always too busy, or it just feels too overwhelming to get to it.

What’s needed, and how do you move forward without hurting yourself or your spirit?

You thought that healing or processing yourself would work.

You used some technique, modality, or practitioner and worked through whatever seemed to be stopping you on your project, the fear, or scarcity mentality, or resentment, or whatever it was. You feel great!

BUT… a day, a week, a month goes by, and you still haven’t completed that project. What’s worse, the feelings are still there. You’re back at zero. And it’s not the first time you’ve gone through this.

Didn’t the healing work at all? It’s so disheartening to work the same dynamic over and over again. What’s wrong?

There is a problem, and it’s with your expectations. Because…

You will never heal

Didn’t expect me to say that, didja?

Let me explain. Our humanity, our egos, are with us until we die. All of the beauty, and messiness, in our personalities, are what we live with.

I’ve been in a mastermind group for years now. The same six people looking at each other all the time means we’ve gotten to know each other pretty well.

Each of us have our patterns that we run. In the early years of the mastermind, my pattern was visible and active. Over time it has softened, but I can’t say it’s gone.

What has changed is my ability to recognize when the pattern is running, and to engage in self-care sooner and more effectively.

I still get scared. I still get angry. I still get upset. I no longer stay that way for days, or weeks. And I move through (most of) my projects with ever-increasing easing efficiency.

Build your dynamic into your project

Since it’s not going away, here’s what you do.

I have a client who is brilliant at creating content. She does it a lot and often and very effectively. Yet, despite many promises, she still hadn’t finished her new website.

A deeply healing conversation with her revealed the fear that was there. We identified what soothed the fear and allowed her to move on.

“But this is the same as it was before! Why hasn’t it gone away yet?”

Bringing in the awareness that our patterns just are, I suggested she build it into the project.

Before, the project looked something like this:

  1. Write content.
  2. Edit content.
  3. Design look/feel of website (she has this skill)
  4. Implement it all. (She has this skill, too.)

With this awareness, the project now looks something like this:

  1. Ask friends for availability for emotional support over the next two weeks of this project.
  2. Tell partner of fear and vulnerability, and ask for additional hugs and support over next two weeks.
  3. Schedule self-care walks, tea, massage.
  4. Write content, reaching out for support from friends/partner as needed.
  5. Edit content, reaching out for support from friends/partner as needed.
  6. Design look/feel of website, reaching out for support from friends/partner as needed.
  7. Implement it all, reaching out for support from friends/partner as needed.

You can heal.

There are issues that I had when I was younger that are just gone, I can’t even remember what they were exactly. Other issues that are just shadowy echoes that take very little attention.

However, it’s rare to have a reaction pattern disappear all at once. Usually they get worn down over time through repeated cycles of awareness, compassion, self-care, and healing.

And before you send me an email with a counter-example- yes, I’ve seen those and experienced them. From Sufi healing to EFT to who-knows-what. Sometimes it works like, and it’s a wonderful miracle when it does. Sometimes not.

Yes, be hopeful and expectant of healing. In the meantime, build self-care and awareness for your pattern into your projects.

Do you have a project you’re avoiding? How would you build self-care into the project so that you can compassionately and effectively move through it? What does your heart need?

Ready for some help?

There are 3 stages of business development to go through, and most heart-centered people get stuck in the first and second stages. It’s painful, and many give up.

We have a free learning guide and self-assessment, which we call the Readiness Assessment. It helps you determine what your business is ready for, where you need to focus, and, even more importantly, what you can afford to ignore until later.

Best, this so-called “self” assessment actually comes with a personal response from us.

I beg of you, please find out where your business is developmentally, so you can finally focus in on the 3–4 things that you need to grow, rather than being distracted and overwhelmed with a to-do list 1000 items long.

Click: Your Readiness Assessment

With love,

Mark Silver, M.Div. Heart of Business, Inc. Every act of business can be an act of love.

P.S. Please celebrate the release of my new book, “Heart-Centered Business: Healing from toxic business culture so your small business can thrive!”

This book is a distillation of twenty three years of helping thousands of business owners heal and then successfully do business from the heart.

The effects of global business have brought devastation and injustice that no one wants. Instead, we yearn for beauty and real vibrancy in the world around us, and healthy heart-centered business must be part of the healing.

This book is a guide to doing business, your business, in a truly spirit-centered way. We need to, and can, realize the truth that every act of business can be an act of love.

A free except and links to order the book can be found at


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