How To Still Be In Control
?Dzatu Noelly E. AKUMAH?
Help aspiring entrepreneurs set up an income generating business within 3 months by leveraging the power of social media
I am building my Network Marketing business, working in direct sales, which required me to talk directly to potential customers or clients...
If you have ever struggled to keep control of your conversations with potential customers or clients, you might want to try this…
If the person you are talking to starts to become aggressive, loud or takes control of the conversation by asking their questions first, one of the easiest ways to get the ball back in your court is to take away the offer...
Example, if you’re talking to someone about offering marketing services and they start asking questions like:
"how much do you charge?",
"what guarantees do I have?",
A takeaway response could be:
"I really appreciate your questions and I’m happy to give you all the answers you need if we can accept you as a client, but we’re not quite there yet. The purpose of this call is to determine if we are a good fit to work together but I need to ask you a few more questions to be able to determine that, and IF we can help you, I’ll be sure to give you all the answers you need."
Then proceed to control the call...
You can be more aggressive or soften it up a bit based on your style but the idea is that you take away the opportunity until you gain control again.
If they don’t comply then you let them go, and truth be told, they were probably not a good fit anyways.
Doing business this way is far more enjoyable and productive than doing what most people do - begging for business, jumping through hoops and letting the potential customer control every part of the conversation (hoping they buy).
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