How staying in touch with people can help.
George Mann
Founder & Managing Director at GEM Resourcing | Professional Athlete at ONE Championship
Staying in contact with people is one of the most important things I can do each week. While it's easy to get wrapped up in our own lives and workload, we should all make a point to pick up the phone and call our connections regularly because we care and to say, "Hi, how are you?"?
You never know; on that given day, that person might be relieved to have someone reach out, allowing them to vent how they feel. We may not always be able to help, but we can listen and stay connected.
No news may not always be good news, but it's better than not hearing from someone at all, so ultimately, staying in touch is one of the most important things we can do.
How to stay in touch and show you care
Depending on how close you are, there are several ways to stay in touch with people. Email, text message, phone call. I like to talk over the phone, especially if I have formed a connection. In my role as Senior Recruiter, I continually form many relationships with candidates and clients, but I will always make the time to sit down and call each one of them.
Why is it essential to stay connected with people?
Staying in contact with people is one of the most important things we can do to show we care. There are many reasons, but here are just a few.
When we stay connected, we can build stronger relationships. We also show that we care. This can make a person feel appreciated; we are showing them without directly saying it; that they matter to us.?
In addition, calling unexpectedly to say, “Hi, how are you?.” We can find out what's going on in another person’s life, even if it's unwelcome news. This can help us to offer support when they need it.
Whatever method of staying connected and reaching out works best for you, make sure to do it regularly so that your relationships don't fade away, and you never know whose day you might make brighter by calling, "Hi, how are you?"?