How to Stay Young
Today I want to highlight 5 foods that keep you looking young so that you can always feel like your most fabulous self. When you take the time to exercise and make the effort to eat healthier, you are helping your body and mind to perform better and that helps you to feel good from within and that shows on the outside too. When you feel your best, you do your best. You feel confident, mentally strong and ready to achieve those goals. It is a fulfilling process when you invest in yourself.
What you eat shows directly on your skin and impacts your energy levels. The food choices that you make every day can either make you feel energetic and look good or it can cause you to feel tired and not looking good. I wanted to highlight 7 foods that are easy to keep your kitchen and can help you to feel good from the inside out.
1. Green tea is an amazing source of antioxidants that help with inflammation, improves the elasticity of your skin, reduces stress and also encourages good heart health.
2. Fruits that contain anti ageing properties include grapes, grapefruit, berries, blueberries, pomegranates, apples, cherries and black berries. These fruits are rich in antioxidants and help with inflammation and also helps reduce oxidative stress which is one of the causes of ageing.
3. Detox water helps to flush out toxins which helps with skin and liver health. It also helps to hydrate your body and eliminates dark circles under the eyes as well as puffy eyes. Try cutting up some fresh lemons or add some blue berries and create a delicious, refreshing drink to consume throughout the day.
4. Nuts for example almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and flax seed are a healthy dose of good fats that promote radiant skin and also promotes good cholesterol.
5. Whole grains help to keep your blood sugar in check which is the primary reason for wrinkles and saggy skin. Wholegrains are essential for healthy brain function.
What is collagen?
Collagen is a protein and is one of the main building blocks of our skin and is another great way to reduce wrinkles and dryness when it comes to your skin. It also increases muscle mass, prevents bone loss and also relieves joint pain. Collagen is found in tendons, ligaments and our bones. It makes up 75percent of our skins support structure.
Foods that contain collagen include chicken, fish, egg whites, citrus fruits, berries, red and yellow vegetables and also garlic. There are also great collagen supplements available that you could add into a smoothie for your morning routine and it is a great way to keep your skin nice and firm.
Taking control of your health when you are young means it decreases the risk of having a negative quality of life. Find ways that you can keep active, eat well and focus on your mental health as well, because it deserves the same attention you give to your physical health.
Life is a true gift and we need to focus on taking care of ourselves so that we can perform better, make the most of life and also to feel good within ourselves.
Regular physical activity is the key to keeping yourself young as well. It strengthens your muscles, boosts energy levels and also improves your overall mood. Exercising keeps your brain focused and also decreases the risk of age related diseases like heart disease.
Life is full of purpose and living a more meaningful life means adding value, contributing something positive to humanity, helping others and also focuses on your own personal and spiritual growth.
Lastly, here are 7 easy ways to stay younger.
1. Protect your skin from the Sun.
2. If you do smoke, try to quit the unhealthy habit.
3. Eat a healthy, balances diet.
4. Drink less alcohol
5. Exercise even if it is for 20-30 minutes a day
6. Be gentle with your skin and cleanse it and maintain an overall healthy self care routine.
7. Hydrate, drink a sufficient amount of water.
Love yourself enough to take care of your well being and make the most of life.
Love you all.