How To Stay On Track With Your 2025 Goals
Celeste Giordano
Celeste Giordano Consulting | Professional Business Coach and Speaker
Have you kept your New Year’s resolutions so far? If researchers are correct, more than half of people quit their resolutions in the first two weeks of the year, leading to the second Friday in January being unofficially dubbed “Quitter’s Day.”
You may remember from my first article of 2025 that I am not big on resolutions. Instead, I focus myself and my clients on identifying our God-given talents and actualizing our potential through SMART goals. This means having a specific, measurable plan as we charge into the near year. Without a plan, you may be moving, but in what direction? And with what results?
I am excited to talk about this topic on my next radio show, with special guest Clare Schmurr. Clare is a certified health coach and an expert on simple health strategies that can lead to lasting change in our lives. Please join us on January 28, and subscribe to my YouTube channel so you never miss an episode.
Until then, I want to share with you the reason that so many people struggle to keep their resolutions, or fall behind on their goals.
Most successful entrepreneurs and sales professionals carry with them a few factors that make them more likely to achieve their goals.
For example, when was the last time you met a successful professional who didn’t exude confidence? To achieve success in business – and especially in sales – you need to be self-assured. If you walk into a sales presentation or networking event with self-doubt, others will inevitably doubt you and the value of what you offer.
In addition to a healthy dose of self-confidence, most entrepreneurs and sales professionals are also determined self-starters. Driving sales and building a business takes both ambition and commitment to staying the course whatever obstacles come your way.
You may be thinking, “Celeste, I have confidence in my abilities. I am a self-starter. And yet, I fall behind on the goals I set out for myself year after year. What’s the deal?”
The reason many confident self-starters with clear goals and action plans struggle is that they lack accountability.
Whether you work in sales or run a business, accountability is key to keeping you on track in the face of obstacles, especially as you strive to reach year-long goals.
Motivation isn’t a substitute for accountability. Why? Because motivation isn’t a constant; it fluctuates. Accountability is meant to keep us on track as our motivation ebbs and flows.
Now that the new year has begun, ask yourself: Have you identified what personal and professional goals you want to achieve this year? Are you already struggling to stay committed to your action plan? If your answer is yes, then it’s important to understand why the absence of accountability might be jeopardizing your success.
First, let’s define our terms. Accountability is when you’re obligated or expected to justify your decisions or actions to another person or group.
When you commit to regularly checking in and giving honest updates with an accountability partner — a respected mentor, mastermind group, or master business strategist — you take a huge step toward achieving your goals. An accountability partner is key to the transformation from where you are today to building a legacy business.
Accountability isn’t just important in business, it’s critical in all areas of life.
Have you set a weight loss or exercise goal this new year? It can be difficult to track your progress and stay on track without someone you respect and trust holding you accountable. Whatever area of your life you’re looking to grow in, the same accountability principle applies.
At Celeste Giordano Coaching, we hold entrepreneurs and sales professionals accountable to do the things they set out to do daily, monthly, and annually. How many prospecting calls are you making this month? Did you reach your sales quota last year? Do you find yourself slacking toward the end of every week?
If you’re like most people, touching base regularly with an accountability partner will keep you honest, focused, and receptive to advice and constructive criticism that will empower you to build a legacy business and “double plus” your income this year. Contact me today to hold you accountable, starting today.
As you get to work in the new year, remember: You either make yourself accountable or you will be made accountable by your circumstances.
Celeste Giordano’s mission is to help business owners develop the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to “DoublePlus?” their income and become effective and inspirational leaders in their fields. Whether it’s taking your successful business to the next level or starting a new venture, she will teach you the exact skills and strategies you need to enroll more quality prospects, build a rock-solid team, and break through obstacles to achieve real profit and lasting success. Celeste is a professional business growth specialist, a master sales strategist, and dynamic speaker with more than 40 years experience in direct sales and managing high-performing teams.
To learn more about Celeste, click here.
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