How to Stay Relevant in A Noisy Online World
Jordan Mendiola
Digital Marketing Specialist | Account Executive – Branding & Apparel | Content Creator & Army Veteran |
You need to captivate the attention of hundreds, even thousands of people in order to make a living in the creative world.
If there's anything I’ve learned from working in marketing and writing my own blogs is that you’ve got to have nuanced ideas and?publish consistently?in order to stand out from the giant crowd of creators on the internet.
People flock towards writers like Tim Denning or YouTubers like Mr. Beast because?they show up every day?and are always?bringing innovative ideas to life.?They know how to stay relevant by using their brains to think differently.
After reading this article, you’ll have a better idea of how to stay relevant in a noisy online world.
Post More Regularly
Content, content, content.
It’s something the social media king, Gary Vaynerchuk has shared time and time again, yet some people still aren’t listening.
“Personally, I create a ton of content. I publish a new episode everyday on the?GaryVee Video Experience, which is distributed on?my YouTube channel,?Facebook Watch Page, and?IGTV. I then also have a daily podcast called the?GaryVee Audio Experience, which is distributed on?my iTunes,?Overcast, and?Stitcher, amongst some other platforms.”
“In addition to what I just mentioned, I continually post “micro content”, that is distributed to my?Instagram,?Snapchat,?LinkedIn,?Quora, and many of my other social channels.”
It doesn’t take too much time out of your day to post something on your Instagram story, Snapchat story, or even your blog.
Without content, your fans will wonder where you went. There are many creators who disappear for a little while such as old YouTuber Ray William Johnson who had tons of relevancy back when I was in middle school, but stopped posting.
It’s so easy to fall off the face of the Earth and very hard to maintain your relevancy nowadays. With the COVID Pandemic, there is 5X more competition out there, so it's your duty to hold your ground and maintain your real estate here on the internet (especially if you do it for a living).
It can be incredibly stressful to rely on your followers’ attention to pay the bills, but if you’re good enough and consistent, they’ll stay and be lifelong supporters.
Fellow writer, Sergey Faldin constantly writes amazing content that has to do with creating content and he’s around the same age as me. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how much experience you have.
It’s the fire burning inside of you that matters most.?Not a degree, not what you did in the past, nothing. Just right now. You want attention. What are you gonna do about it?
Focus on Your Main Message
Stick to the message you want to share with the world.
Are you trying to inspire more people to invest in stocks? Good. Focus on that and constantly harp on the topic until you start your own community.
Are you trying to motivate more people to try the Keto-diet? Good. Post more pictures of meals you prepare and write posts until people start reaching out to you for 1-on-1 coaching.
The possibilities are endless. Sinem Gunel started her own online business with her husband during the Pandemic and now?they both make money while they sleep, and have more of a cushion to take risks.
My mission is to inspire people to do the things they love without fear of judgment or failure in the short term. That’s why I started my own publication called “Long-Term Perspective”.
Avoid going off-course with your message because if you do, people will unsubscribe or lose interest in your messages along the way. Ever since I started blogging, I’ve been all over the place, writing about anything I want because this is my creative space.
Someone who treats writing like a business will look different and stick to topics and create accordingly. I’ve accepted that I can’t stick to a niche, but am therefore enjoying writing to a?much?higher degree!
You don’t have to do a whole lot besides stay focused on your mission and show up every day.
Don’t Give Up in The Short-Term
There are times where you’ll feel like nobody is listening.
You’ll think that no one cares about your message or the fact that you’re creating. That’s why I started my blog, post on Instagram daily, and even started a YouTube channel all leading back to me.
The more out there you are, the easier things will become.?Failure is good. It means that you’re experimenting with new strategies and finding your footing.
Most likely, anything you say or create has been said by someone else already. The most important thing is putting your own spin on it that offers novelty and intrigue.
If I had given up creating after one year, I would have never landed a full-time job creating content, writing, and interacting with my community that feels like a second family.
When you feel like you aren’t taking steps forward, know that it’s a long process to make it to the top and maintain it. That’s why a lot of creators burn out. It’s hard work.
Be sure to get your exercise, reach out to people who are like-minded, and learn new skills. That’s how you stay relevant and innovative.?Innovation is synonymous with relevancy because what you said yesterday is old news, people are already looking for what’s next.
If you’re passionate enough, you’ll prevail and maintain your relevance.
Final Thoughts
No one who built an audience is going to hold your hand the entire way and shout you out to help you get attention.
You have to go out there and demand attention.
Give your audience content that’s so damn good, they can’t go a day without seeing what you're up to.
Feed your followers so much quality content that they’ll wish you sold your own merchandise.
Creators all around the world are going for the same thing, attention.
But not all creators remember…it’s a marathon, not a sprint.