How to Stay Positive in Agency Recruitment ??
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How to Stay Positive in Agency Recruitment ??

Agency recruitment is a sales career that has highs and lows - any top-biller can tell you that it's not always smooth sailing and we all start from somewhere.

Here are 4 mindsets that I leveraged to become a global top-biller year after year which applies to recruitment as well as life (longer video version here):

#1. Adopt an appreciative, grateful attitude towards agency recruitment and what it can do for you.

So many people get disillusioned with capitalism, life, hope, the American Dream, that they don't even truly believe in success anymore.

Many of these people fall into agency recruitment because the interview process can be manipulated and companies are eager to hire "go-getters" in hopes that they can become the next top-biller.

Since there are low barriers to entry, too many people enter recruitment with an "anything goes" attitude. They're experimenting with the role, NOT going all-in.

This attitude can only lead to average performance at best. To truly become a globally-ranked top-biller straight out the gate, hard work, dedication, practice, and focus is the only way.

Because I always viewed recruitment as my savior from a mediocre life as my only realistic route to millionaire-dom, I treated this "job" as a lifeline. That changed the game and my outcome compared to my peers.

Failure wasn't an option! Not doing what I was told, not hitting KPIs, not becoming the best I could be on the phones, not going on meetings, was NOT OK.

Quietquitting never entered my mind because I knew I was here to be a gamechanger. While colleagues around me dropped like flies (our turnover as you know is extremely high), I stayed the course and knew that I would not be one of them.

I would make it, and eventually I exceeded my own expectations of what was possible.

Chicken and the egg situation, self-fulfilling prophecy - whatever you want to term it, attitude determines altitude. I never forget what a privileged role I have (sit anywhere in the world and make calls for a living to make hundreds of thousands of dollars), compared to all the awful jobs I've held in the past.

Never lose that appreciation and you'll never take recruitment for granted.

#2. What is your $$$ why?!

Anyone who thinks money isn't important, doesn't matter, or shouldn't really be the only thing - is not going to make it in recruiting.

The external marketplace is littered with people hungrier, more desperate, harder working than you if you're not truly motivated by success - success defined by DOING LOTS OF DEALS which = money.

So to say that you can be a headhunter totally not money-motivated or to lose your money-motivation, is to say, your career in this biz is ending soon. You're on your way out to pasture.

This job was created to PRINT money.

If you can't find the driver, the motivator, the reason why you need that green, then you're in trouble.

The antidote to this issue is to remind yourself of WHY you're working so hard for success!

Is it for your family's lifestyle? Is it to prove everyone wrong? Is it to become a financially independent person because you feel like the underdog and never want to become a corporate worker bee with the soul sucked out of ya?

Dig into your heart, dig into the pain! Where is the chip on your shoulder and what does it look like? Why did you take a sales job? What makes you sacrifice?

To become successful requires a mindset reminder of this everyday! The journey is not easy. You're doing something the majority of people around you aren't doing so you have to treat work differently than someone else who can afford to coast and quiet quit all day.

We're in a production-based environment - their rules do not apply to us.

Like Arthur, you're on a lonely quest to glory - what does glory mean to you and how hard will you fight for it? This is the energy that we all need to draw upon in dark days.

Remember your mission. Remember your financial "why".

#3. Find a way to deal with your mental health and anxiety issues.

Our job is not for the faint of heart. It's grueling and you have to take shit all day from people that you may or may not like.

Even people you DO like will do things you DON'T like because this is business. This is a stressful job and we're paid the big bucks because of it.

Everyone is out to get for themselves, including you in this line of work. So to survive in spite of these tough, competitive, anti-YOU forces, you have to curate strong mental fortitude.

I've seen time and time again - people crying a lot, unable to handle the stress, complaining all the time, with a terrible attitude that drives themselves and their managers crazy. As a result, they plateau.

Due to both personality/mental issues as well as work ethic, they cannot progress past a certain point in billings.

Whether it's: getting a therapist (use my referral link for BetterHelp), surrounding yourself with better people who are more supportive, reading, working out, hobbies or some other form of self-help/self-care, whatever it is - you have to find a way to curtail your issues in a healthy way.

Very few people can actually tolerate this grind year in and year out for a lifetime - BUT if you understand this occupational hazard and make moves to help yourself stay sane, your odds of success increase.

#4. Do the little things first, forget the dreams.

I used to think that I was successful in my agency career because of the law of attraction. Since I relied so heavily on self-help, I utilized a lot of the mumbo-jumbo success mentalities out there. Think and get rich, or so they say.

However, when I peel back what actually got me rich, the answer became: consistent effort and hard work!

That was the secret sauce all along! In my blurry memory of the past, I forgot all the hustle, all the grind, all the boring stuff I did day-to-day that got me rich. Instead, I fancied myself of possessing the Midas touch when it comes to money and success.

That arrogance and belief that my "destiny" is what got me where I am today is pure foolhardy baloney, superstition, and detour from more success.

I got here, not from my ability to daydream, but from the dials, the hours and hours of conversations a day, the meetings, the daily dedication and grind of hitting and exceeding my KPIs.

That's all. No mystery to recruitment, just hit those damn KPIs.

Thus, forget your dreams! Focus on the activities you need to do daily to GET to where you want to go.

As they also say, dreaming is for fools.

In Conclusion

Agency recruitment is a high-paying profession for a REASON.

It's a tough job that requires hard work for one to make it. If it were easy, our recruitment fees wouldn't be so damn high.

To sustain yourself, review these 4 mindsets that can help you up your game. Whether it's recruitment, life, relationships, careers, etc, many of the same lessons apply because success in any arena is similarly achieved through appreciation, having a purpose, mental stability, and daily effort.

If you want the longer video version of me rambling on about this for 30 minutes plus, check out my YouTube video here. For more good shit, join my mailing list (privacy guaranteed) at


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