According to Economist, when there is recession (decrease in economic activity), there will also be depression. Remember, we are the ones directly involved in this activity, so there is depression flying everywhere. The psychiatrist recently cry out over the increase in depression cases, it is quite alarming. Well what do we do to stay out of depression in time like this?
- Get a dream for your life, dreams are driving force, they give you a reason to live for another day
- Set goals with actionable plan, even when you fail in a pursuit, set another goal, there is always a chance for another chance.
- Identify what stresses you and possibly avoid it.
- As much as possible, stay off debt in time like this, especially on anything that is not an asset. This is not a time for new jewelry, car, cloths…except is not on credit. And this is also a good time to invest on asset if you have more than enough.
- Be in touch with your emotions. Know what is making you feel the way you are feeling.
- Learn to be thankful. You might not be where you want to be, but you are not where you used to be.
- Trust people but don’t rely on them. If you trust someone and they betray your trust, no problems, give them the chance again but don’t ever rely on them. When people betray you, is a sign that they are not reliable.
- Stop dwelling too much on hurts. Learn to let go, it might be difficult, but let go. The number one way to let go of offence is YOUR willingness to want to let go.
- Don’t force people to accept your idea (it will look like you are controlling them), what is right to you might be wrong to me.
- Be hopeful. If a man disappoint you, you will find another man. Develop personal saving culture and move on- is just a lesson on contentment.
- Seek for help, have a counsellor and always talk to your good friends if you have one.
- Yes people think all night, loose their sleep, lose appetite, lost interest in friends and activities…but the question is has it change anything? Whatever thought that does not bring positive solution, than depression, is never a good thought.
- Know that, happiness is a choice, your happiness is directly proportional to your view about life. If you have to wait for everyone and everything to make you happy, you may have to wait till eternity, it may not happen. Those who are happy only make the decision and chose to be happy.
- Always expect good things to happen to you
- And finally, always celebrate yourself, your little achievement worth celebration, stop scolding yourself into the cold of depression.