Recommendations on what to add or avoid in summer season to keep yourself fit and fine .
- Eat fruits like watermelon, peaches, plums, mangoes, grapes, pears, avocado and berries.
- Use vegetables like cucumber, sweet potato, celery, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, asparagus.
- Eat fresh food that is cooked just an hour before.
- Buttermilk, tender coconut water, fruit juices and traditional drinks like juice (Sharbat) prepared from Indian gooseberry, kokum and raw mangoes.
- Use herbal teas like mind tea which provides relaxation and stamina.
- Diet should be of sweet, light to digest, liquid form, milk and ghee is also good
- Gulkand is best known for relieving excess heat. (Prepared from rose petals)
- Wear thin and light cotton clothes.
- Try to stay indoors in cool place.
- Day sleep is advised.
- Use perfumes with sandal fragrance regularly
- Go for a mild walk in the evening near the beach or river or in the gardens.
- Take water bath twice a day (room temperature water).
- During nights spend time in some open place like balcony or terrace or ground or garden.
What should we avoid , add or reduce from our body to frame a positive lifestyle in summer season ?
- Avoid foods that produce heat within the body like spicy, oily, fast and fried foods.
- Cut down the drinks like coffee, tea and carbonated drinks as they contain acids, caffeine, that causes dehydration.
- Solid foods which are heavy to digest should be avoided.
- Avoid exposure to sun and wind.
- Avoid too much exercises and exertion.
- Leftover food should not be consumed as it contains harmful bacteria.
- Refrigerated food and drinks should be avoided as it tastes cold, but by the end it triggers pitta thus producing heat in the body.
- Avoid aeriated and processed drinks .
I would like to remind you a sloka in Sanskrit , says ,
“????????? ????????? ??????
??????? ????? ??????? ? l”
Which means to maintain the health of the healthy and to cure the diseases of the diseased.