How to stay calm in stressful situations?
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?While stress is considered a part of daily life, for some people dealing with stress can be a little difficult for some people. It can make them difficult to tackle emotions and reflexes built for a long time through habit and conditioning. While stress can be daunting, it can, on the other hand, be used positively to brace for the challenges that life throws at you.
So, what is stress?
Stress is a hormonal and psychological response to danger; it is a response that takes our body into a fight or flight response, where every organ and muscle in our body is ready to flee or fight the opponent. However, the problem is that in today’s modern world, there is no mortal danger that we face. So below are techniques that can be used to tackle stress.
1.????Deep breathing
Deep breathing is known to engage our vagus nerve. It can reset our bodies into a state of calmness and peace. Ancient mystics and gurus have used deep breathing to get into a state of ecstasy and calmness. Furthermore, deep breathing takes people to alternate modes of consciousness. So when facing stressful situations, remember to take a few deep breaths.
2.????Look at things positively
When we are in stressful situations, it is because we are negatively looking at things and cannot see anything positively; this is part of where the trouble starts, and we have to deliberately push ourselves to look at things in a positive light and way. So, when stressed, remember to change your perspective and look at things positively.
3.????Sleep well
Sleep is half the medicine of all our ills. It is something that makes a lot of things seem good or bad. If we have slept well the previous night, everything feels good and pleasant; however, at the same time, a night of rolling in our beds is a recipe for a bad day. So, sleep well, which means sleeping at least 7 or 8 hours a night and properly resting. Maintaining good sleep hygiene is a good way of achieving a well-rested sleep.
4.????Exercise regularly
Regular exercise releases hormones which are natural stress relievers and natural relaxants. Furthermore, exercise is a good and healthy way of letting out some steam or frustrations. This means that the stress we feel will be relieved through exercise, both physically and psychologically. So, make exercising regularly a part of your routine.
The benefits of meditation are well known to the modern world, with celebrities, personalities, innovators, thinkers, and researchers making it part of their daily routine. Mediation relaxes your mind and body and helps you introspect your deepest thoughts. Like deep breathing, meditation has also been used by ancient mystics, Sufis and thinkers for thousands of centuries to achieve a state of bliss and enlighten themselves with the mysteries of the mind. But, in the modern world, meditation can be a great way of reducing stress.
6.????Gratitude Journal
Keeping a gratitude journal is a wonderful way of assuring you are happy and content with what and who you are and have. This is a good way of ensuring that you see the positives in life, rather than being morbid and ungrateful of your things.
These are some of the techniques that can be utilized to remain calm and peaceful in your life. But, it’s always fun to explore and find what works for you, as each person has different requirements and needs, so experiment and see what works for you; remember beating stress is an important part of life and will fundamentally improve your quality of life.