How to Start a YouTube Channel for Your Store
So you’re planning to take your business into YouTube? That’s a very smart move you have there because a lot of shops haven’t done that yet. And millions or even billions of people watch videos from YouTube every day. To make things easier for you, let me help you create your YouTube channel.
Let's Start
So the moment you go to YouTube’s website this is what you see:
Given that you’re an eCommerce store, I’ll assume you already have a Gmail account. Now you might or might not have a Google+ profile, so click here to redirect to Google+, if you don’t have a profile go on and create one but if you already have, once you click on that you’d be seeing something similar to this:
This time let’s make your Google+ Page for your business. Below is an image of how the page looks, now click on Start Now.
Now when you click on the “start Now” button you should get redirected to a different page. Just fill in the details then click on continue.
Once you’re done creating your Google+ Business page, they give you a free website:
So now that we’re done with that let’s go back to creating the YouTube page for your business. When you visit your Google+ Business page you see the image below or something similar.
Now go to YouTube’s website and sign in. Once you sign in, you’ll see the first letter in your email address on the upper right. Click on it.
Now click on the gear . Once you click on that you’d be redirected to a different page again. This time you’d be seeing “See all my channels or create a new channel” at the very bottom of the page, click on that.
Now below is the next page you’ll see. This time put in your shop’s name where I placed “Sample Shop”.
Click create and Viola! You now have a YouTube Channel for your business.
Customize your channel
Before we start click on Customize Channel. Once you click on it you then again reach another page.
This time click on the gear beside subscribe. Make sure to tick on “Customize the layout of your channel”.
Now when you save it you go back to “Home” Go to “About” and you can see that you have more options to edit more details.
Now you already have your YouTube channel, so what’s next? Go ahead and customize your account. Start by filling out the about section, this is where you tell your audience about your brand and what audiences can see from your channel. This would also be a good place to put in links to your website as well as the other social media that you use. Keep in mind that this description you put will not only be seen in one place in your channel but in more so make sure that it’s perfect.
You are about 24% complete with reading this post.