How to Start Your P2P Automation Project
Purchase to Pay Network
Bringing together leaders across Finance, P2P, AP and Procurement - elevating careers, passionate about people
Sometimes, knowing when and how to start a project can be the most daunting aspect of a transformation programme. Most organisations have some elements of automation in place already, and the thought of ripping it all out, or adding to it, with all the change management implications that can bring, can be off-putting. So much so that some organisations delay making a start on a new project, until it becomes imperative.
But who wants to start on a new project when things are going to be hurried? A new process, coupled with new technology takes careful consideration. To do it properly you need to be proactive, and not as a result of immediate pressure to change. Your business case needs to consider who to involve and why, what your overall objectives are, and what "success" looks like to you and your own organisation.
But all the best technology implementations start at a point before this. They start with passion. Passion to improve and a passion for your team. On 6th July, we'll be discussing all the different factors you need to consider with Shelsea Adrian , accounts payable expert at Yooz , who'll walk you through the non-negotiable steps for a quick, simple and efficient automation project. She will show you how your finance department can save time and money by automating its entire Accounts Payable and Purchase-to-Pay processes.
We’ll be joined by Kevin Mutton, Financial Controller at Chicken Shop who’ll talk about his experience of following the right steps in a real-life setting, and some of the surprises he uncovered along his journey.
Come along and be a part of the conversation, we can't wait to welcome you