How start your legacy as the leader with courage, confidence and conviction

How start your legacy as the leader with courage, confidence and conviction

Are you in Games or Legacy mode as a Leader?

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I was lucky enough to work on the London 2012 Olympic build, and there were two phases over the 7 years it took to complete: Games Mode, and Legacy Mode.

All well and good focusing on that pivotal event, but then what? There was a huge amount of energy and planning that not only went into the legacy of the build but how they transitioned. (If you have a particular love of civil engineering you can see the transformation below)

Leadership is exactly the same.

Spending the day to day in 'Games' mode, however great, is only going to serve you short term, and it won't be long until you are looking around wondering where the good days have gone.

Impactful and ultimately happier leaders spend more time in legacy mode.

Are you the leader you wanted to be?

In this snippet of today's podcast I talk about the leader that inspired you, and the leader that repelled you, these have a profound impact on the development of leaders in the future. Which are you?

If you want to create a legacy as a leader you need to think about three core elements:

  1. Your courage to step forth into new frontiers (what worked then won't necessarily?work now.
  2. Your confidence in your decision-making skills, and also to prioritise your energy and wellbeing (Would you want your leader pouring from an empty cup?)
  3. Your conviction to stand up for your values, engaging others whole-heartedly whilst remaining open and curious to ride each new wave that comes your way.

This of course can be easier said than done. Many things can happen for you, or your leadership team that limit the impact we all have as people.

3 things that keep you in game mode

Stress is the big one. Despite being confident in your abilities when you don't prepare to be mentally fit you will notice the impact in your ability to lead. Would you want an overtired surgeon? The stakes are greater - but there is a lesson to be learned. People deserve the best of you. The well slept, nourished and calm version of you.

Environment. I'm not talking about your members club workspace or the amount of plants in your office ( though, I do like a plant myself) but where you are in terms of culture and workflow for the year. If you are too IN the details of the every day you will never create the legacy you want.

Disconnect. You are whirling on the hamster wheel of work, churning out the days, results and feel totally meaningless doing it all.

How to break the pattern and create your happier, more impactful legacy:

In this week's Ambition to Impact Podcast I speak with @Gousto Leader Stephan Burow, the VP Finance on his legacy mode, and how he create intentional decision by checking through his values. Check out the podcast on Apple or Spotify

1) Purpose

If you feel disconnected and the days just feel like they are piling on, then one of two things is happening: either you need to step back and review your progress (it's hard to see when you are in the thick of it) OR you need to get clear on what matters to you at this point in time. Values can and do change.

Get ready because I'm going to get a bit philosophical with you. Questions to ask yourself:

When your final day on this earth comes, hopefully in old age, what do you want to be surrounded by? What will you be proud of ? And how will you leave this earth a better place?

Your purpose can ad will change as you grow, and if you are feeling disconnected then this could be a reason why. It is worth giving yourself the time to step back and understand not only what matters to you, but your place in the world.

2) Performance

You already know how to take care of yourself, and you might be really good at this already. but are you using these to manage your performance and stress levels?

Some people have a hobby or grab that salad once and a while but top leaders have a clear strategy to prepare themselves to show up as their healthiest calmest selves.

In an ideal world, what would your list of self-management look like? I'd easily say 99% of my clients come to the conclusion that their relationships, decisions and overall performance are astonishingly better when they take a minimum of 15 minutes a day to give themselves what they need to perform better. Write up your SOP (Superior Operating Procedure)

3) Presence

Leaders succeed when they speak with conviction, but not just any conviction (a cause loses when people rant) Conviction must be both passionate and clearly inspire others to take a step forward. Are are on the cusp of a leadership revolution - people are drawn rightly or wrongly to the voice that is clear and motivational.

This doesn't mean the loudest, and it doesn't mean the quickest. To often leaders get told to have more influence or executive presence with a very outdated model of leadership in mind.

Everyone has an ability to communicate well as long you play to your strengths in the way you talk, walk and interact with others. Work on finding your OWN voice, and your OWN brand of conviction.

Which of these will help you stand out as the leader with courage, confidence and conviction?

If you are a senior leader and this is a priority for you I'd love to speak with you.

Send me a DM or arrange a call here


My assessment tool looks at leadership impact and gives you clarity on where you are on your leadership journey.

You are welcome to use this for free and get a personalised report.?Get your report to guide you to more impact

Actions you can take to improve your impact & results:

1) Get yourself subscribed to the?Ambition to Impact podcast?and listen to the world-class leaders that share their stories

2)?Join the Leaders Library Club;?a members club of unique leadership lessons from world class leaders.

3) Looking for a coach to get the best out of you and your leaders? I work with a limited number of clients per year to get transformational results through my Leadership Impact Programme.?Book a consultation session here


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