How to Start a Top Charts Podcast in 6 Months
“You’re one of the best podcast hosts ever. No wonder you’re successful.” - Naveen Jain, Billionaire and Founder of Moon Express, Viome & Infospace
I officially started the Humans 2.0 podcast in August of 2017.
Last week, August 16th, 2018 my podcast ranked in iTunes top 100 podcasts in the world among NPR, Gary Vee Audio Experience, Jordan Harbinger and even the Tim Ferriss Show.
I got the idea to start a show to assist in my own June of 2017.
It took me a whole 2-3 months to launch my podcast. Not because I was busy nailing down the details but I was consumed by doubts & fears.
"Why would someone listen to your podcast over Joe Rogan, John Lee Dumas, or Tim Ferriss?"
"Would anybody agree to meet me a 20 year old kid on a video call?"
"I'm not a host, speaker, or even intelligent in any sense. I can’t be a public source of information & inspiration."
I looked up the statistics didn't help me at all. So many podcasts are being created today, and so many more 30/60-minute podcast episodes are uploaded each day of the greatest minds and experts.
...who was I to start doing the same?
I finally took the leap. But then even then…I half-assed it. I posted sporadically…maybe once every 2 day or 2 weeks. It took me another 3-4 months to get serious about podcasting.
At the beginning of this year, January 1st 2018 I pushed it full force and started creating consistent quality content. As a human who’s had entrepreneurial tendencies before…I could feel the same sensation about tripling down on my podcasting efforts.
I came to the realization that only 3.5 billion people are on the internet. There are so many more perspectives that perceive information in a different way. Whether it's podcasts, YouTube, whatever...there is so much MORE ROOM than you think.
The era of peer-to-peer media communication hasn’t even started yet. The world is yours for the taking…stop listening to other people that don’t want competition in their field.
Setting Up / Technicals / Logistics
Google it. This is not the article to read if you want a step by step technical guide because when googling this same exact topic...I only see articles about setting it up.
This isn’t the hard part of podcasting. I’m not an audio professional.
It doesn’t matter if you use Libsyn, Spreaker or PodCastBoxSuccess Premium.
Make sure your audience can hear you clearly and as well as the guest. I use a $40 snowball microphone and a normal pair of headphones. I see successful podcasters with the same setup and unsuccessful podcasters that have the most expensive setup.
But seriously, I didn’t write this article to walk you through the technical steps.
If you want help with this feel free to reach out to me but I don’t want to waste time and get some real meaningful value…not something you can read on a support page.
Here are some articles I recommend:
What’s Your “WHY” for the Podcast?
What are you actually doing this for?
Do you like attention or hearing your own voice?
Maybe it's because you're trying to get more clients...whatever the reason is...find it and use it.
Now, this doesn't mean you need to plan out every single topic or guest...but without this you will fail. Not only when things get difficult and you don't see results...but also for allowing others to join your boat.
Busy people doing impactful things around the world don't have time to waste 30 minutes of their day.
I'm interviewing the first billionaire (Naveen Jain) on my podcast in a couple weeks and it made me start much is 30 minutes of this guys time actually worth?
I don't want to do the math but I'm sure you get the point.
Recruiting a successful person to come on your show as a guest must have a serious value proposition. I'm not necessarily talking in terms of an audience or money.
Even podcasts with big audiences don’t get impactful guests because important people don’t like wasting their time.
At the end of the day you need to understand this...from a listener and guest's perspective.
Why the hell would anyone take time out of their precious day...away from their give you EAR SHARE OF THEIR LIFE?
Your value proposition has to be worth it.
Success is Dictated by the Relationship Between the Host & Listener
When I started my podcast I was thinking....
I need to interview other people because they actually have something of value to offer to the world. So I need to focus 100% on the person being interviewed.
While, this is very important…you are missing the fundamental piece.
Why would someone listen to your interview OVER one done on NBC or any other official much more higher quality studio?
Because you are a human CONDUIT to the listener. Podcasts can have a TON of much info in each episode you probably won't even remember.
You need to simulate the listener's thinking through your own thinking on the podcast...wrap your head around that. This is a good mindful exercise to run in your head. Always consider the perspective of the person listening to the conversation you are having with your guest. Ask good questions on behalf of your listener.
Why do people even listen to podcasts? Hint - It's not just those 5 TIPS AND HACK TO FOLLOW TO CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE IN 10 MINUTES.
People listen to story interviews to get an insight on a thought process to apply in their own lives. Hearing the guest stumble his or her way through their failures, fears and doubts is powerful.
When we listen to audio that is life-changing by hearing someone trying to change their own life and the kind of thoughts they were having..makes you much more relatable and easier to share with a friend.
Getting the First Few Guests and Beyond
I struggled with this at first...who will I ever interview at the beginning? It was more or less falling into the trap of fail of fear and prepping / inviting people before even starting the podcast.
Start within your industry or your close friends first...nobody cares who you interview at the beginning. But, you need to build up the credibility of yourself and the podcast.
If you don't have any connections already...find the 10 most relevant and high profile individuals in your industry right now. After you conduct the first ten interviews you can now branch out to their own network.
A good tactic to land that awesome guest in mind is to invite all of his or her's friends to come on the show. Doing that will increase the likelihood of that person accepting your offer.
Getting podcast guests is like a's a ladder. At first I asked my guests if they could introduce me to the most interesting person they know but now I don't ask. Often times they will initiate it for me after the show or in a later moment in time.
If you are a dreamer like's very important to write down a dream list of people you want to interview on your podcast - be unrealistic.
My Dream List
- Jason Silva
- Gary Vaynerchuk
- Joe Rogan
- Jordan Peterson
- Aubrey Marcus
- Tom Bilyeu
- Lewis Howes
- Tim Ferriss
- Dave Asprey
- Ray Kurzweil
After working hard and smart for a long time...people will notice and you will start to build an audience. Combine that with your purpose and you will be surprised to see who you can get on your show.
PS. If anyone reading this can introduce me to any of those individuals...PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Unless You’re Tim Ferriss…or have an existing successful personal brand/network...You Need to Be Posting MORE than Once a Week
I see this everyday. A TALENTED and focused individual starts a podcast…it delivers terrific quality on a consistent basis but, it never takes off. 20 weeks later the host says "this isn't right for me" and leaves.
You could've done this 5 years ago but not anymore. Or you could focus on having a weekly podcast. REALLY triple down on quality and spend money promoting it or have the best network.
It's up to you. My personal belief is if your ambition, is to have a successful podcast and you post once a are only kidding yourself.
Don't expect results.
There are thousands of people out there that want the same exact thing as you. What sets you apart?
Collaborating with other Podcasts
There’s a right and a wrong way to do this. Everyday I get messages from podcasters with 5 listeners in their audience that say -
No that’s not fair at all.
Network with other podcasters and find ones that are in your same position. You could just be starting out… so find ones that are alsp in the beginning early phases. Help each other grow….and who knows. One of them could rise above and beyond later…
As you grow, other podcasters will ask you to come on to get interviewed on your show. This is REALLY important. You have one 30 minute shot to win over some new ears to your podcast.
If you have the chance...some of the most interesting people are OTHER PODCASTERS. They've sat in the host chair many times and can usually answer your questions in a very interesting format.
I invite other podcasters on my show... ALL THE TIME.
Where 99% of Podcasters Fall Short
"What if I read all their books? What if I read their book, wikipedia and social media? Don't try to impress your guest...try to understand them. When you do that they relax and come out of their standard scripted talking points." - Jordan Harbinger on the Can I Pick Your Brain Podcast from Daniel Gefen
One of the keys to conducting a good interview is to actually understand your guest as a human being. I've done a lot of interviews. Most people go into a scripted version of themselves and spit out 5 PR points that were listed in their bio.
People go into that mode most often when you ask a very general question that they've heard again and again. Podcasters might ask these types of questions because they don't know the material.
Some people understand this and structure a podcast around NOT doing that. Like a 10 minute with the same 5 questions every time. Plenty of podcasters do this to not waste time understanding their guest and just run off a bio. This could be a good option for you if you are running a business/client based podcast and time efficiency is an important factor.
Personally, for me...that doesn't work. Listeners understand you are bullshitting them and move on to the next better podcast because they have that option.
I can’t tell you how many podcasts I get interviewed on and they say something like...
"wait what do you do again?" or "what's your podcast about again?"
.....are you kidding me.
Nobody wants to listen to an interview like that. Remember…YOU the host…are the conduit for the listener and not necessarily just the neutral interviewer.
Consider the listener's perspective. If there's not a unique reason for someone to listen to your podcast...why would they? Flip the question around and ask yourself... would YOU even listen to your own podcast?
Call Your Mom, Grandma and Her Sister
Please understand that if you don't produce consistent high-quality shouldn't even read this section. But I believe the key to ranking up in the iTunes charts and getting more listeners is to get MORE reviews.
You need to leverage the power of your previously existing network. You need to call up every single person that you think cares about you and beg them to leave you a review.
Call in all of your favors. It's hard to get iTunes reviews in general and you really have to stretch your way to getting the first few reviews. From my understanding just getting 1 review ranks you significantly higher than most podcasts who don't.
I used to ask my guests at the end of each show to help me by leaving a review but I don't do that anymore. Sometimes I do...sometimes I don' discretion is advised!
Ideally, at the end of your show you want to request the listeners if they benefited from the episode to leave a 5-star review on iTunes!
Two More Areas Podcasters Skip
We live in 2018. The human attention span has radically transformed.
If you think someone is going to listen to your 53 minute podcast episode because you posted the link on are crazy.
People are consuming content on a much more rapid pace than at any other time in human history.
You need to break your content down into words, images, videos, audio-grams, micro pieces of content that you can distribute as a gateway to your podcast.
Something like this.....
Continue adding Value to the GUESTS You had on your Show
Lots of podcasters will interview somebody and then never talk to them again.
Don't do that. Try to act like a normal human trying to cultivate a genuine relationship.
Ask them how you can help...give them on a project you see they are struggling with...introduce them to other podcasts.
Always try to continuously advance your relationship with every guest you have had...unless they don't want to of course!
Fight, Scratch and Claw each Listener Ear by Ear
If you haven't understood this by now...scroll to the top and start again.
YOU are in a battle for ear share.
Which comes down to people listening to music, other podcasts, environment around them…it’s very competitive…podcasts aside.
If you think you are going to do whatever you want and people will are delusional. Why would a rational human being take time out of their day to hear your voice?
I’ve gotten a lot of dedicated listeners by recruiting them one by one. Responding to comments and messages. Interacting on a daily basis.
This is the key my friends. It's not about's about friends and human beings.
If you need any assistance or help...don't hesitate to reach out!
Listen to the Humans 2.0 Podcast
If you’re looking for a technological self-development podcast that focuses all about the human experience transformation in this 21st-century world, you should definitely check out my podcast, Humans 2.0
If you want more content like this, be sure to follow me on Linkedin.
You can Listen to my podcast, Humans 2.0 on iTunes, Spotify Google, Stitcher Radio,iHeart Radio or YouTube.
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6 年Awesome information
People Development Coach
6 年Great article - honest, no bullshit & written to help others. Loved it. Thank you Mark!
6 年Great insights. Thanks!
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6 年Keagan Henson