How To Start Out As A Content Strategist & Storyteller
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters

How To Start Out As A Content Strategist & Storyteller

A long time ago many of the current best content strategists were professionally trained journalists. 

Not the grubby sort, but conscientious truth-seeking professionals, who prioritised the old idiom that ‘Knowledge Is Strength’.

They now prioritise the new concept and value of SEO storytelling. The sort of storytelling that still needs to answer readers’ and viewers’ questions; that tells them something new and/or challenges engrained legacy views. 

Just as importantly, these storytellers have made sure their content is predicated on factual copy; on unbiased data, which ultimately leads to analytically precise insights.

This approach translates into the template for any effective content strategy, from any effective storyteller.

And from here, it’s then possible to bolt on effective and necessary marketing, brand and social media strategies.

The intricacies of these strategies are partially derived from the aforementioned validity of data gathering, but just as significantly, from the individual creativity and emotional intelligence of the storyteller.

While it’s not necessary to jump onto a bonafide journalism course in order to understand how you can become an excellent content strategist, (although it couldn’t hurt), it is important to understand the ethical responsibility of telling the truth. 

A basic but fundamental concept.

And, to be the sort of storyteller outlined above, you have to love to write!

It should be your first passion.

Your client or employer will of course want you to [insert one of the bullet points here]: 

  • Sell
  • Achieve targeted Calls-To-Action
  • Increase engagement

But, as you create your strategy to achieve the required aim, you have to love to write!

So, whether you are at the beginning of your content creation career or consider yourself a vodka and tonic seasoned hack, write and write regularly!

Write poetry; write fiction; write about your latest trip to the supermarket. But hone this skill. 

It’s just as important as developing the next incarnation of nano-tech, or piece of art, or the perfect pasta (yet to be achieved by this writer!), 

By becoming a connoisseur of your craft you become an asset within the best-of-best collaborations. 

You become someone who can deliver content projects which, hopefully, provide elements of advocacy; certainly herald ethical interaction, and demonstrate just what a ‘premium content strategist’ looks like.

Ingrid Smith is a senior content strategist, storyteller & mentor





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