How to start to manage your fears…

How to start to manage your fears…

Here we will share with you how you can conquer all of your fears. First let’s look where fear actually stems from.?

There are two types: innate and programmed.

Innate fears are based on human evolution and genetics. For example, the top two primitive fears are:

  • The Fear of Loud Noises - it used to warn us of predators. Consider now how a car or bus horn alarms us of oncoming traffic.?
  • The Fear of Heights - humans are intuitively scared of heights. Very few conquer it by climbing, living, or working at extreme altitudes or locations.

Programmed fears exist from your upbringing. Examples of those fears can be test taking, public speaking, crowds, or your mother-in-law.?

All of them can feel just as scary; any one of them can paralyze you. Yet there are simple techniques to conquer them.?

Let’s start with the simplest, most direct, yet hardest method.?

Pick something that really scares you. Now in order to make any of your fear disappear, you must feel it fully.

Let your fear get worse, let those feelings grow bigger and Bigger and BIGGER… until it seems like they will overpower you.

Keep your attention on it, concentrate fully, go over every scenario, FELL the experience, SEE IT as if you are really there.

KEEP it there until it vanishes from existence.?

Something will happen…?

A very interesting phenomenon occurs when you FEEL OR SEE an experience fully. Your dears and attachments will cease to exist, they will disappear.

Focus on any fear, until you are completely free from it, and you feel only inner peace and joy.

Some folks may see this as “shock therapy.”?

Some examples include:

Scared of heights? Go rock climbing.

Afraid of spiders or snakes? Hold one until your fear passes.

Terrified of drowning? Go swimming in the ocean.

Still fearful? Repeat until you are peaceful in those activities.

In that process you’ll discover a lot about who you really are and what it takes to overcome yourself.

Now the other methods are covered in the Peaceful Manual.

When you find yourself facing any challenge and your anxiety or fears come up, use this simple yet effective technique to defeat them.

The Peaceful Manual has many powerful tools to bring light into any situation you face.?

P.S. Remember if you begin any task, no matter how small or big, follow it through to completion because you are always building habits from your consistent actions. This is an immutable law of the Universe because it follows the basics of energy. To find out more you can read about it here.

P.S.S. This is where taking action really counts. If you start the process of transmuting your fear in power and peace, make sure you finish it. Because if you do not, the repercussions could be dire.?


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