How To Start And Grow An Engaged LinkedIn Group

How To Start And Grow An Engaged LinkedIn Group

By Ashley Stahl, Originally Published in Forbes

3.2 billion people hop on social media every day.

Trying to get a message heard in such a massive crowd can feel like trying to climb up Mount Everest without any gear. … But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Standing out in social media communities really comes down to getting clear on a few key factors: who your ideal contact would be, what social media platform they’re likely using, and a plan to add massive value on the platform. From there, it is simply a matter of execution.

When it comes to establishing professional reach and building lasting impressions, LinkedIn is a preferred platform. Just ask top executives. As it stands, 91% of executives turn to LinkedIn over any other business platforms if they’re seeking quality content.

LinkedIn Groups have a plethora of community features that are not available on other platforms, and it is key to take advantage of this. For instance, LinkedIn will send a daily, or weekly digest to all group members keeping them updated and engaged. As the admin of a group, you have the ability to send announcement emails, a message that would drop directly into the inboxes of each community member. When you consider that 40% of people check their email roughly 20 times a day, your chances of being seen are pretty high.

In order to take advantage of all these perks, you need to start a group and grow it the right way. Here are five tips to get you started on building an engaged, impactful LinkedIn Group and community.

1. Create clarity in your group immediately.

Make it really clear what your group is about and who it is for. Similar to creating a personal brand, you want to have a clear target community. Instead of opening a group for “marketing professionals” consider being a bit more specific, such as naming it a “B2B digital marketing professionals,” or even better: “B2B Digital Marketing for Facebook Professionals.” The more granular and specific the group description is, the easier it will be for users to quickly determine if it will be a good fit for them—and the more you’ll be able to hone your valuable content you post.

Add a solid description to the group “about” section. Immediately state what you will be sharing, topics that will be discussed and the intention of the group. As the founder of the group, this is also a good place to list your own contact info or any additional resources you provide pertinent to the group’s topic. Remember to keep it short... this isn’t the place to dump your entire bio and agenda onto others looking for community.

While the majority of LinkedIn members are logging on every day, it’s important to note that the typical user spends an average of just over 6 minutes when they log onto the platform. This means you don’t have much time to be confusing or provide information that isn’t worth coming back to read.

Make it easy for people to find your group by optimizing the group information with relevant keywords. It would be really unfortunate for someone to never find your group, simply because you didn’t spend a little time upfront optimizing your content. Do this by imagining an ideal member having a problem to solve or question they need answered that directly relates to your group. Ask yourself: how would they go about searching for information? What words would they use? The LinkedIn search bar is its own version of google for groups and profiles… So take these words and incorporate them into your group title and description.

If you are struggling to get clear on the group topic you want to isolate,walk through a few questions:

  1. What is the conversation, or pain point, going on in the mind of your ideal community member, at 2 a.m.?
  2. What questions do you get asked the most often by ideal clients, customers or contacts that would suit your group?
  3. What are topics that relate specifically to your professional brand?

2. Foster a community of quality.

Once you’ve set up your group, extend an invitation to your connections. As long as you’re directly connected with someone on LinkedIn or know their email address, you can invite them from your page’s Group Settings. Don’t be shy. Just think, if you were to host a party at your office or home, you would have to send out invitations; the same goes with your LinkedIn Group.

Worried about your invitation getting lost in the cyber ethers? Data shows the day of the week and time you send the message doesn’t matter, but the length does. The shorter the message, the higher the response rate. When messages are less than 200 words, there is a 25% higher chance of a response, and when you make it personal, it tacks on another 15% response increase. It might take time to create personal messages, but you are more likely to get appreciative and excited members on board.

You can also reach a broader audience by sharing your “Group Join” link on other social networks. Add the link to your email footer, your website, your profile (of course), and any other locations where potential community members might be. Encourage your existing members to take an active role in promoting the group beyond LinkedIn, too.

That being said, don’t let everyone into the party. Set your group account to be on pre-approval so you can make sure there are no spam accounts or people that frankly don’t fit your group. In this way, LinkedIn Groups are like elite nightclubs... People want to feel like they got into something special, and what makes something special is your ability to curate a special group. You are saving everyone’s time by being selective.

3. Engage elsewhere.

Participate in other LinkedIn Groups. This allows you to illustrate your expertise in a subject and start growing relationships with like-minded people that could also benefit from being part of your group.

If you spend all your time in your own sandbox, how do you expect others to join you without paying a valuable visit to theirs? There are great ways to use LinkedIn to your advantage, and increasing your presence outside your group and profile will expand the number of accounts that see you. Find other groups online that are similar, but not identical, to yours and actively comment and provide feedback. Publish and share articles that you find valuable and pertinent to support your audience. Although you have a LinkedIn group, you still need to continue building your personal connections.

4. Be open and searchable.

Groups once had the capability of being fully public, but in recent months, LinkedIn made an update to adjust groups as either listed or unlisted. When a group is listed, its title is searchable and will show up on a member’s profile, whereas unlisted groups are “off the grid,” meaning they are not searchable and can only be accessed through a direct link or invite from the group admin.

If you are looking to build a larger audience and grow awareness of your niche and expertise, being listed is going to help. Your content will be searchable and your group title will appear when a member hunts for a topic related to your group.

There is no shame in keeping a group unlisted, as it will be more intimate and closed for more specific purposes you may have. This is the difference between gaining access to a nightclub through the front door or being invited to a private secret speakeasy underground. The decision will come down to your preference and the intention of your group.

5. Do regular maintenance.

Be sure to schedule recurring time each week where you can keep an eye on what people are contributing or commenting in the group. If a spam account slipped through the approval tracks, you will be able to catch it by auditing your account regularly. There may be someone who leaves negative or inappropriate comments in the group time after time. Be sure to keep an eye on the conversations and vet whether someone is lowering the quality of collective conversation.

One way to set the group up to avoid this is to have “group rules” or policies posted visibly for new members to understand how to navigate topics like: self promotion, harassment of other members, and content that is not invited (memes, job postings).

On the flip side, regular maintenance is a great way to find members who are really enhancing the group and bringing great feedback and input. Consider reaching out to them directly so you can network offline and speak with them about how you can improve the group and help them even more.

It is important to get a pulse of the group periodically to understand what they want more of, what topics should be discussed in more detail and what aspects of the community they want more or less of. Don’t be afraid to take a poll, as this will show each member you value their feedback and want them to get the most out of being a part of the community.

As the go-to professional networking platform, it is a no brainer to get more involved on LinkedIn. A University of Michigan study found that customers spend 19 percent more after joining a company’s online community. Not only are you building yourself as a leader in your industry, but you are very likely to improve your health. The research is in, and those involved in communities are more likely to live longer, healthier lives.

Instead of getting lost in the crowd, take matters into your own hands and build the community you dream of being a part of.

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David Gerrish

IT Monitoring & Observability Engineer/Consultant with 30+ years of experience. Empowering IT Professionals to become Confident Contractors via the IT Contracting Academy Groups.

6 个月

some good points here - however LinkedIn groups are behind Facebook groups in terms of content types allowed etc - so whilst my LinkedIn group is larger than the FB group the FB group is far more active... I think LI groups could be improved

Lisa (Bonacci) Costello

Innovation @ Prologis Ventures

7 个月

Hi Ashley, thank you for your helpful post. I'm an ambassador of a Linkedin group that has a very engaged membership base during our monthly meetings, but people aren't seeing the new posts in the group unless they go into the group. Do you have any tips to get more visibility to the posts?

Gregory Desrosiers

Software Developer (Backend, DevOps, QA) ???? | Java, Python, or C++, Agile ?? | ex-UWaterloo, NielsenIQ, The Weather Network ? | Coding and Reliability </>

1 年

I wonder why so many LinkedIn groups are too small? I'm thinking of joining a group that looks after career pivots and finding intermediate jobs, but a quick glimpse shows me not one career pivot group that has over 1,000 members in it. What about groups of people struggling to find a job because of how bad the market is?

Luisa Surma

Higher Ed @Wix | Ex-Amazon | I help students and career pivoters see their skills as personal brands to attract employers

1 年

Really love and appreciate the community element in this article. It has always been important, but in a world that is still very much 'zoom fatigued' community has become essential - a non negotiable. A few months ago I started a group called Gather that anyone can join. It's a virtual space to discuss the spark, the topic that joiners vote on prior to meeting. It's been so rewarding to learn and listen to others.



