How to Start A Blog that Make Money
This is a step by step guide on how to start a blog in 2020 that makes money online.
(In 30 days)
In this tutorial, you’ll learn:
- How to choose a profitable blog niche
- How to buy a web hosting
- How to write a SEO optimized blog post
- How to make money blogging
- …and lots more.
Let’s get started:
What is a Blog?
A blog is a type of website that frequently publish and update content on the web. Blogs are often run by a single or a group of people to present information in a conversational style.
Should you start a blog in 2020?
Hell YES.
One of the misconceptions about creating a successful blog is that you need to be a great writer.
That’s not true.
People read blog posts to get a solution to their problems or for entertainment purpose.
For example – a health blog reader who wants to get six-pack abs will prefer reading a blog from a guy who has six-pack abs than reading the research paper of doctor.
Bottom line – Anyone can be a successful blogger if they care about their audience and have a strong passion for the topic they write about.
Here are some valid reasons you might want to start your own blog right now:
- Make money from home – Blogging is one of the best ways to make money from home. You can earn passive income through your blog without going to 9-5 job while living with your family. Successful bloggers like Jon Morrow, Pat Flynn, and Harsh Aggarwal are making lots of money through their blog.
- Share your expertise (Story) – A blog allows you to share your thoughts to the world. You can make a blog website on any topic you want and share your expertise to a bigger audience.
- To build your online brand – A blog can help you build your online brand. Many bloggers have established themselves as an expert because of their blog. In fact, businesses whom blogs get 97% more links to their websites.
- Find a community – Starting a blog can help you find a community who have the same interest as you. You can share your expertise with people and vice-versa
- To improve your writing – A blog can help you establish as a successful writer like Jeff Goins. Additionally, blogging will improve your writing skills and help you grammatical error-free writing.
What is the best platform to start a blog?
Short answer: WordPress.
Here is why?
WordPress is the most popular and easy-to-use CMS in the blogging community. Currently, 35% of the websites in the world are running on WordPress.
How much does a blog cost?
Short Answer: As a beginner, you can start a blog in less than $100 with a robust hosting and free domain for a year with Bluehost. The best part about Bluehost it will auto-install WordPress for you.
Long Answer: Starting a blog can cost you more than $1k that includes domain name, premium themes, plugins, hosting, etc.
How long will it take to make money?
Those who treat their blog as a part-time job can easily make $100-$200+ within 6 months.
On the other hand, if you want to make a consistent full-time income then you will have give it at least 12-24 months.
Can I start a blog for free?
Of course, you can do.
You can start a blog with no money from scratch on these platforms:
- Blogger
- Typepad
- WordPress (.com version)
- Tumblr
- Medium
- And even Quora
But, if you are serious about building a profitable blog that makes money. Then, you shouldn’t start a blog for free.
Following are the reasons you should not start a blog for free.
- Limited money-making opportunities – Free blogging platforms often limit money making opportunities unless you upgrade to a higher level. You’ll have to pay for the upgrade, which kills the purpose of having a free blog in the first place.
- Lack of support – Companies don’t offer their premium support on free plans. It means you’ll have little or almost no support. To get help, you will have to pay for them.
- Access to only basic features – Basic features won’t be a problem when you are starting a blog for free. But as your blog grow, you will need more space and features that you won’t be able to find on free blogs.
- Switching isn’t easy – In future if you want to migrate to another service, it won’t be easy. Even though, if you try to do it yourself, chances are you might make some blunder mistakes. And hiring a professional will cost you lots of money.
- Data aren’t safe – Companies don’t provide security on free blogs because security cost them. Hackers can easily hack free blogs as there aren’t much security available.
I hope you got me now why I’m suggesting you avoid free blogging platforms.
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