How To Start A Blog And Make Money For Beginners

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In this article i will show you how to start a blog and make money. I run several blogs myself. And the thing that I love about blogging is that all of the traffic that I get to my blog is 100%. Free. When you get so much free traffic, it is fairly easy to monetize the traffic and make good money from your blog. So if you also want to start a blog and make money from a blog. In this article. I’m going to share all of the steps that you need to take in order to start a blog and be profitable with it.


So make sure you don’t skip any of this article. Follow every single step and by the end of this article. You will know how to find that awesome niche for your blog. How to be keywords. How to get traffic to your blog. And how to ultimately make money from your blog as well.

First of all. I wanted to share with you one of my blogs. This is a travel blog that I’ve had for a number of years now. And it is one of my smaller sites. Now this is this particular blog. I’ll show you some of the stats for it according to hrefs. If we analyze this blog.

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You can see that I’m currently ranking for 3600 different organic keywords. My getting traffic according to a traffic is 1.2 thousand visitors per month. In fact, it is actually much higher. It’s getting close to 400 to 600 visitors every single day. So this number in in href is usually quite a bit lower for every single blog that I’ve ever analyzed.

And with these blog. I’m currently ranking on the first page of Google for hundreds of different key phrases. You can see here are some of the keywords.

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So in this article. I’m going to show you exactly how you can do the same. How you can publish content on your blog that places you on page one of Google. And how you can get tons of free traffic doing it this way. So before we get into the actual step by step of exactly how you can start a blog and make money. I want to make sure that you understand how blogging makes money and why blogging is actually so awesome and so powerful.

Let’s walk through this very ugly simple diagram that after did. And we will start with these. So my blogs get 100% free Google traffic and I’ll show you how to get 100% free Google traffic as well.

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And we’re now up to this step here in this process where they have typed something into Google. They have clicked on one of my blog posts. And then now on my page. Each page on my blog is monetized in two or three different ways. Normally, I have an email opt in where I build my email list. And then I can promote things to the people on my email list. I have affiliate links where if somebody buys something by my link. I make money from that.

And I also monetize my blog posts from ads. So let me show you examples. For each one of these blog posts has got a few different affiliate links. So here’s an example of one of the affiliate links. You can see that I talked about one of the traffic sources called Pinterest.

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And I recommend for people to use a particular tool called tailwind app. So whenever someone is reading this article. They think Oh, that sounds pretty good. I want to sign up for tailwind and they will click. Now this is a special affiliate link. It tracks all of the sales that I make to me to my account and then I get paid from that.

So if somebody signs up for this free trial, I get paid 50 cents. If they then upgrade I get paid an additional amount of money depending on how what kind of plan they go on. Here are all of the sales I’m here inside my affiliate account. You can see here on the sales the 0.50 trials. You can see the name of the merchant tailwind. And I get multiple sales every single day for this affiliate program alone.


The power of this is that every single one of my pages on every single blog that I own is monetized with affiliate programs and more. And even though I might only make a couple of hundred dollars per blog post. I have multiple blog posts on multiple websites that are giving me consistent sales. And it all starts to add up to thousands and 10 of thousands of dollars every single month.

So now we’ve talked about the affiliate links, let’s talk about this part, which is ads. And to show you how the ads revenue actually works on my website. Let’s go back to the our examples. If somebody types any keyword from these keywords which i did show you in this article. And they click on my blog post. You will see that there are actually ads. These are automated Google ads that are automatically inserted by Google into my blog post. And a lot of people who are reading these blog posts will click on the various ads that they see on my site. And I get paid a certain amount of money for every click for every ad shown on my website.

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The Visitors

So this is once again. Completely automated income based on the blog posts and based on the visitors that I get onto my blog website. And ad revenue can actually add up to significant amount of income. If you choose your niche correctly. I’m going to show you later on in this article how to do that. You can make anywhere from $10 to $40 for every 1000 visitors that visit your website.

So if let’s say your website is getting 1000 visitors every single day. Which some of my websites do. You can make $10 to $40 per 1000 visitors.

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That’s $10 to $40 per day. And then of course if you grow your website traffic to let’s say 4000 or 5000 daily visitors. Then you can make $40 to $50 to maybe a couple of hundred dollars per day based on the traffic. Just from showing Google ads that of course you can monetize your blog posts with affiliate links as well as with email opt which I’m going to get to in just a second.

Google Analytics

Just to show you that this is actually possible. I’m here inside the Google Analytics account for one of my blogs. And you can see that in January, my blog generated 68,000 page views. Then 72,000 in February. Then in April went up to 94,000 page views.

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So that’s an average of just over 3000 pageviews every single day on just this one blog,

E-mail OPtins

The last thing to cover is email optin. So how do you make money from your blog using email optins? Let me show you. On many of my blogs. I build email lists. For example there is a sidebar where I’m inviting people to get a free traffic course. And they can enter their email to receive it. And once they enter their email, they go into my email list.

Once they are on your email list. It’s a matter of sending various relevant affiliate promotions. You can recommend particular products and make a commission on them. Or you can sell your own products. For example, last week, I was promoting an affiliate offers to my email list. And I made over three and a half thousand dollars within four days just by recommending a particular product to my email audience. For the list that I’ve built from my website.

You can see the numbers here last week for my products getting added nice profits that I promoted, I made 3900 in revenue.

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That was all by sending emails through the email list that I have built. And don’t forget that all the traffic that you get through blogging. If you do this correctly, is all 100% free Google traffic and you can monetize each of your blog posts in so many different ways.

How To Start Your Blog

So let’s go step by step for exactly what you can do to start your blog. Study niche and actually start make money blogging. So let’s go through step by step exactly what you can do in order to find a great niche for your blog. A and to build your blog to get the traffic and to make money blogging.

1- Decide On A Niche

Step one is for you to decide on the niche for your blog. One of the best ways that I’ve personally found to research your niches for blogging. Is to look at blog income reports. So if you type into Google blog income reports. You can find pages and pages or places that have aggregated multiple blog income reports.

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And if you open this result here, for example, 50 blog income reports, you will actually see that there are bloggers that disclose their blogging incomes in a variety of niches. You can learn more about each of the blogs. And you can see all of the niches.

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For example, you can see that this parenting blog is making $4300 a month. Food blog is making over $60,000. Other blog is making over $100,000 a month. And that is all profit that is all based on free traffic that these blogs are getting. They’re in different life stages. So some are just making $2000 a month. Some of these are making $10 of thousands per month.

Interesting niches

But you can see from here you can kind of gauge which niche you’re interested in. And you can look at the actual websites or the blog is that run those blogs. And tried to figure out are you interested in this niche? Are you interested in writing content similar to that. And do you see yourself sticking to this niche for a long time.

There is a bit of a process involved in actually selecting your niche, which I don’t want to focus too much on in this article. But you can read this article about how to choose an excellent profitable niche for a blog.

2- Find A Name, Register Domain And Get Hosting

Step two is to find a name for your blog and register the domain. And to get your hosting that takes care of the technical side of your blog setup. You need to decide on the name for your blog for the actual URL address of your blog online.

For example, the name for my Make Money Online website is You need to find a similar idea for a domain name for your blog as well. And once you’ve got that idea. You can check whether the domain name is available on a service such as Bluehost. I use bluehost for my domain registration. You just need to type in the actual name of it.

Let’s just say to give you an example. You decided to go into the cactus and succulents niche. You have decided perhaps to check whether is available. And you can type it into bluehost like this; And after you click search. It will tell you whether this version is available or not. So here we’ve got a green tick. It means that we can register the domain right now.

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The next thing that you need to do is to buy a hosting account. And personally I use bluehost. But you can use any hosting provider that you choose to. For example, you can use HostgatorSitegroundGoDaddy, and so on. I love bluehost simply because their customer service is excellent. And anytime I have any kind of technical problem or question. I can log online and they help me instantly. So it’s a really good company.

You need to get that account just so that all of your blog files and all the information can be stored somewhere online. And people can actually access it. This is where your website will leave so to speak. If you do want to get a bluehost account. You can do that from here.

Full Guide

And in case you’re not sure of all the technical steps for how to find a great name for your website. How to register your website and how to set up your website hosting account. You can read this article about how to choose an excellent profitable niche for a blog. I’ve got a full step by step tutorial that will show you exactly how to do this step by step.

3- Find Great Keywords

Step number three is to find great keywords for you to publish content on. I’m going to show you exactly how I’ve managed to find keywords which land me in position number one, two, and three on Google for my target search terms. Let’s continue with the example of the succulents and cactus niche.

Personally, the first thing that I will do is I would reverse engineer the keywords that other websites are already ranking for. So let’s type in a broad generic key phrase in our niche such as how to grow succulents. And then pick a domain or a blog name. Which seems to be dedicated completely to growing succulents and cactus.


So here’s one such website So we’re going to open and we’re going to take these domain And now let’s insert it into ahrefs. Now ahrefs is a paid tool but you can get a $7 access for seven days. I’m not associated with ahrefs. I’m not an affiliate for it. It’s just a really great tool that I personally use.

You can use a lot of other tools. But I’m going to show you how to do this with ahrefs. And like I said, you can do all of your research for just seven bucks on a trip as well. So we typed that in. And Site Explorer will actually tell us all the keywords that this website is currently ranking for.

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The owner of this website has effectively done all of the keyword research for us. You can see that they’re currently ranking for 35.9K different organic keywords. They get a huge traffic. And most likely, it’s not just 85,000 visitors per month. But it’s probably several times that because personally, I know that for my blogs. These figures is always two, three or four times lower than what the real traffic is.

Organic Keywords

And if we now click on the organic keywords. We will see all of the keywords that they’re currently ranking for alone with the keyword difficulty which tells us how hard or how easy it is for us to rank as well. So if I choose here, KD from 0 to 7. This will show all the keywords where maximum Keyword difficulty is seven.

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And generally when I’m working with new blogs. Keyword Difficulty seven is something that even a brand new blog can rank for with high quality content. We can see that we still have 12,894 different keywords with very low Keyword Difficulty that are getting a lot of search volume. So these are getting thousands and thousands of searches per month. And all of the keyword research is actually done for us. We can kind of just reverse engineer the rankings and the keywords of other websites.

Repeat With Other Sites

And that’s of course with just one domain. You can do this with multiple sites in your niche and you will never be short on awesome keywords and topics for you to write content about.

Of course there are more tips and tricks and I will make a full article that is quite in depth that will show you how to find amazing keywords for your blog posts.

4- Write Your Blog Post

So now that you’ve got your keywords, the next step is to write your blog post. So let’s use this key phrase Bora Bora facts as an example. When I was writing my article about Bora Bora facts. I wanted to rank for Bora Bora facts. Now, in order for your article to be viewed by Google as an article about Bora Bora facts. You need to stick to some basics when you are writing your content.

The first thing to do is to make sure that you insert your exact key phrase or keyword into the title. So here I titled My blog post 21 Bora Bora Facts.

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Then you also want to use that same keyword again in the first three paragraphs of your blog post. So you can see here. I’ll go to paragraph one, paragraph two. And then I’ve got paragraph three.

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And also then I use bora bora facts several times in various places throughout the body of the article. That sends very strong signals to Google that your article is in fact about bora bora facts that’s sort of like the predominant keyword throughout your article. And you will increase your chances of ranking on page one if you use the keyword several times throughout the article.

Create Content For Your Blog

To create your actual content. You don’t have to be an expert. Even if you know nothing about Bora Bora facts or whatever other topic you’re writing about. You can always educate yourself. Think back to the time when you were doing school. Or perhaps you were doing university or college. Oftentimes, you probably have had to write an assignment based on your research. You know nothing about the topic. You do the research. And then you write the assignment based on that research.

That’s exactly what I have always done with all of my blog posts. So you can just Google for bora bora facts. Read about bora bora facts from various other places. Collect the most interesting information, organize it into a nice outline. Just like what I did here. And so you can see Bora Bora Island history facts, that was one of the things that I wanted to include.

What you should never do though. Is you should never copy and paste content from other blogs into your blog post.

Why You Should Never Copy And Paste Content From Other Blogs Into Your Blog Post?

First of all, this is potential copyright infringement. You might get in trouble, you know, other blogs might get upset and start contacting you asking to remove that content. And second thing that might happen is that you actually will not rank. Because Google never ranks duplicate content. So if you just copy and paste content from one site onto another. You will never rank.

So it’s completely fine to do your research by reading other sites. But never copy and paste content. Simply rewrite that content in your own words.

5- Monetize Your Content

Step number five is to start monetizing your content. And to actually earn the money from your blog. Your first job when you’re studying a new blog is to make sure that you’ve published approximately 10 to 20, maybe even 30, high quality posts that are at least 2000 words long. That is the time generally when Google will recognize your site as a trustworthy site that publishes regular content that publishes high quality content. And you will start seeing some traffic coming in.

Now depending on how good a job you do with choosing your keyword and writing your content. At that point in time, you might start hitting 50 to 100 visitors per day. It might take you a little bit longer. Don’t get discouraged. Sometimes it takes 30, 40 or 50 posts. But once your site gains trust in Google’s eyes. Your traffic will increase very quickly.

Google AdSense

After you hitting 50 to 100 visitors per day consistently. You should go ahead and apply it to Google AdSense. It’s spelt like these Google AdSense simply go ahead and go to their website and apply to start showing Google ads on your content. After you are approved, then you will need to insert just the very simple line of code into the back end of your website. And Google will start automatically showing ads. That’s one of the ways for you to start actually learning from your blog and start monetizing the traffic.

And of course, once you’ve got the traffic coming in. There are other ways that you can make money from your blog. You can start mentioning affiliate products. So that when people read about something and click on your affiliate link and buy something by your affiliate link. You can get compensated with a commission for recommending that product to somebody.

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