How to Start Believing in Yourself After Failures
Subhashis Banerji
#OvercomePersonalChallenges #EffectiveBusinessSolutions, #EffectivelyHandleCriticalLifeissues, #ResultsFocusedSolution, #OvercomeBusinessChallenges, #SimplePracticalDisruptiveSolutions, #MentoringCoachingCounseling
Because we do not have enough of Emotional-Security - we fall victim to the vicious cycle of negative thoughts becoming beliefs leading to even larger degree of insecurities impacting our self-esteem, self-wort, self-confidence etc etc to ever-lower levels
Often it is due to societal and parental conditioning and the VUCA economic and other fluctuating conditions.
Studies and research have shown that - most of the millennials as well as earlier generations suffer from Fear of Missing Out[read my blog on how to control this] along with many other psychological dis-orders.
As with all mental, emotional and psychological dis-orders and issues => many can be resolved by ourselves and some would need expert help.
Here I am giving 78 DIY tips to help yourself get back into a fully self-empowering resourceful-emotional-state.
The worst part is that all those who are suffering from any form of maladies are either in
1. Denial mode
2. Totally ignorant about the causes of their stress and hence living miserably
3. Seek materialistic possessions to mitigate and a quick-shot cure
4. Won't seek help – maybe because of Taboo or EGO
5. Are not aware that there are help available
6. Don't know whom to approach for help
78 Tips on How to start believing yourself
1. Challenge the experts, don't take their words/opinion for gospel – at least learn enough to and-and-seek informed-clarity
2. Seek second opinion always
3. Understand that ALL the negative feels have a purpose
4. Learn to be assertive*
5. ALLOW YOURSELF TO FEEL WHAT YOU FEEL*- without berating yourself for feeling negative or angry or Guilty or Embarrassed or Ashamed or scared or insecure or frustrated
6. Being yourself *and allowing yourself to be yourself – could be the best thing you can do to yourself as well as all those you are connected with
7. Find someone who believes in you - because For EVERY dream, there are hundreds of “experts” waiting in the wings to explain why that dream “CAN’T” be realized
8. Start using the self-talk of "this I CAN'T DO IT YET – but let me find out what I need to learn, improve, change to enable and empower me to do it" => Instead of a generalized I can't do it
9. Practice stretching beyond your current capabilities and limits* on a daily basis
10. Understand the difference between REAL IMPOSSIBLE and those which are beyond you – BUT WHICH CAN BE IMPROVED WITH PRACTICE
I. Not aging at all
II. Live always without any problem at all throughout the life
III. Becoming immortal
IV. Going in the past and changing your past
V. Dying the way you want physically, emotionally and otherwise
12. Pro-actively seek change*
13. Set the bar high for yourself in the areas of your passion and Set a Long-term Vision
14. Learn to Challenging your beliefs and assumptions
15. Practice Challenging your endurance* inch by inch
16. Only Compete with self*
17. Stop comparing* yourself with others
18. Focusing on improving and excellence rather than being perfect - for full article read "How to Believe in Yourself Again" in success unlimited mantra