How To Stand-Out As An On-Air TV Talent & Separate From the Pack. The Video Guide How to Distinguish Yourself on TV
Marc L. Watts
EME Global Media: Imagining new models in trafficking of media content. Enterprise storytelling that reeks of meaning not desperation. Finessing technology in creation of distinct corporate voices, brands and production.
There are four levels of TV broadcasters. If you make your living hanging out in front of the camera, chances are you fall into one of these four categories. 1) Below Average; there's no place for you to go but up. 2) Average; the world of on air TV talent is full of mediocre average reporters and anchors and hosts and analysts. 3) Above Average; very few start at this level. And just because you work in a large market or at a network, that doesn't mean you're above average. There are many average network and large market reporters/anchors 4) Elite; these are the ones who are above average every day and consistently deliver for their stations and networks. They deliver in breaking news. Every story turned is exceptionally well written, well tracked, well edited and presented well. They're rock solid on the desk. They make everyone on the show better. The elite don't stumble on their copy, their live shots or when they're asked off the cuff questions by studio hosts and anchors. Very few on-air talents are elite.
Wherever or at whatever level you find your career currently, (I bet you stumbled reading those previous 10 words), don't ever get discouraged. There are so many ways to improve. At our broadcast training center, we teach you the finer points of how to standout and ascend to that next level. An inside peak at our classroom video is below.
"The TV airwaves are filled with people that get placed in jobs because they're popular, have an Internet buzz about them or because they simply look good."
Many TV talkers never make it to the next level, because they don't know what they're suppose to do. They have no clue on how to really improve. The TV airwaves are filled with people that get placed in jobs because they're popular, have an Internet buzz about them or because they simply look good. Those attributes alone don't guarantee longterm success. Often times those same individuals bomb in crunch time, during breaking news and shrink during the big TV moments. But what if I could teach you how to have all five tools. Speak well. Write well. Interview well. Read well and Look good. The acronym is S.W.I.R.L. At Marc'd Academy we train on-air talent how to S.W.I.R.L...How to maximize the big moment! During a recent seminar I taught seven professional speakers how to be bold and how to standout. After all that is the goal if you haven't figured that out yet; how to separate yourself from the rest of the pack. Watch the video here now. I promise you'll learn something new.
?We don't just tell you that you have to get better. We teach you how to do it. For example when I managed talent, I never just told them, "You have to improve on breaking news." I taught them communication strategies and tools how to be better. And therein lies the explanation why we see alot of mediocre on-air talent. Elite talent coaches are not sitting around at TV stations and networks, teaching TV personalities how to get better. And on air reps alone don't make you better. For many people it's just a reinforcement of the negative. So who do you turn to? Producers can help out a little bit, but producers produce. They don't report. They know a little bit, but not alot. It's like if the offensive line coach tried to coach the defensive backs. WARNING: Don't expect very much reporter training after you get your first job. Stop waiting for someone at your station to help you get better. You'll be waiting a long time. And if you keep messing up, they'll eventually replace you. It's up to YOU to get better now. Sign up for one of our bootcamps and we'll train you and coach you up the right way. Learn the art of being bold and standing out. OUR NEXT REPORTER BOOTCAMP IS JUNE 9TH IN LOS ANGELES. SIGN UP NOW AT OUR WEBSITE. WWW.MARCDACADEMY.COM