How to stand out in a crowded creative jobs market
Gabriele - Recruiters for the Creative Industry
Specialist recruiters for the creative industry...
The creative industry is buzzing with talent right now. From hyper-skilled veterans to recently graduated mavericks ready to set it alight. Never before have we seen such thirst for success and growth – The jobs market is truly booming and it’s an exciting time to be involved.
But how does one avoid feeling out of their depth
1. Shake the imposter syndrome :
First things first, understand that you are just as good as the mavericks and veterans we just described, with an equal amount of talent to offer.
It's common to doubt your ability and many in our industry experience imposter syndrome. In fact,?one survey?found that the creative arts and design industry has the highest rate of imposter syndrome across all sectors, affecting nearly 87 per cent of respondents.
Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as frauds. It can cause a constant sense of inadequacy, erode confidence and hinder effective self-promotion during interviews
In the context of job searching, imposter syndrome can be highly detrimental. Often leading to self-sabotage, causing qualified candidates to underestimate their abilities and avoid pursuing desirable opportunities.
If you’re looking for a new role, you must first nip Imposter Syndrome in the bud as it will likely affect your self-promotion and negotiating skills, leaving you with a salary well below?the industry average?or in a position you are overqualified for.
2. Define Your USP:
Spending some time thinking about your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
What makes you different from the rest of the crowd? Maybe you’re a master of motion design, a mini-Mark Ritson, or a typography aficionado.
There is always something and whatever it is, deep dive into it. Embrace your passion, hone your strengths and let them shine through your portfolio, online presence, and resume.
There’s no room for weak messaging in a crowded room.
When we discuss USPs, we don’t just mean technical skills. Your personality and soft skills are also USPs that deserve to be highlighted too.
People hire people, after all. Exceptional talent is important but what hiring managers really want to know is whether you’ll gel with their existing team and enhance their work environment.
So if you’re hesitant to show off your personality during the interview – don’t be! The client already likes your work and they’re familiar with your experience, that’s why they’re talking to you. What they want to see more of is your personality. So let it shine.
Many candidates ignore the importance of connection and focus solely on their experiences during interviews. But friendliness, professionalism and compatibility are a massive part of a hiring manager’s final decision-making process.
3. Get a great recruiter on your side:
In a crowded job market, enlisting the services of skilled and well-connected creative recruiters (yes, we mean us) can make all the difference.
It's our job to get you ahead of the crowd. We possess over 30 years of industry knowledge and insider understanding of what agencies seek; so we can not only help navigate the competitive landscape but also provide valuable insights, personalized guidance, and insider information - helping you get ahead.
Our connections and reputation can open doors that might otherwise remain closed.
Working with a (great) recruiter like Gabriele can give candidates a distinct advantage, increasing visibility and significantly enhancing the chances of standing out amidst the fierce competition.
4. Make social media work for you:
Ah, social media… It gets a bad rep sometimes, but it is a treasure trove of opportunities for self-promotion.
Most creatives use platforms like Instagram, Behance, and Dribbble for creative inspiration. But rather than simply consuming, view them as a direct line to your dream employers or virtual galleries. Upload your passion projects or your reimaginations and tag anyone relevant so they see it and instantly fall for your creative brilliance (obviously.)
Post your best work, engage with the creative community, and don’t forget to inject a dose of your unique personality into your posts.
Many don’t quite understand Linkedin’s purpose, but if you have an account – actually use it! it’s a great tool for finding relevant contacts, new mentors and partners or following up with hiring managers after your interviews. Who knows? Your next job opportunity might be just a scroll away!
5. Think Local, Not Global:
While the world may feel like your oyster, thanks to the internet and remote work options- sometimes it pays to think smaller, and focusing on local opportunities can be a strategic move in a crowded job market.
Attend design meetups, join local creative communities, and get involved at a grass roots levels in projects that have an impact on your community.
When you build a strong presence IRL locally, word-of-mouth can work wonders for your reputation. Plus, you never know who you might meet or what doors might open when you’re part of a vibrant local scene. You’ll be the first to hear about new opportunities, and you’ll build a solid network of like-minded individuals who are never too far away.
6. Ask Friends for Help:
Friends are the unsung heroes of our lives. When it comes to finding job opportunities, they can be your secret weapon so always try to keep in contact with at least one person from each company you work at.
Reach out to your creative industry pals, colleagues, or even that friend-of-a-friend who works at your dream agency. Ask them if they know of any openings or if they can pass along your portfolio to the right people. it’s all about consistently nurturing meaningful connections and supporting each other on this crazy creative journey.
Remember, work friendships require regular maintenance. Don’t be that person who only reaches out when you need a favour.
Finding your dream design job is like a creative project itself—it requires passion, perseverance, and a touch of ingenuity. So, know your worth, define your USP, draw on past clients, rock social media, think local, and ask your friends for help. Stay positive, keep hustling, and never stop unleashing your creative superpowers. The perfect opportunity is just around the corner!