How to Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market

How to Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market

With the increase of new job opportunities, the old skills are redundant. To stand out one needs to acquire new skills to exercise their position in the market. The only way to do is initiating networking through personal branding, proactive networking, unique skills are much more. Some ways to do this are explained below. Peruse through them and try inculcating these in your routine to bring about potential changes.?

1. Develop In-Demand Skills: what are in-demand skills? The most common are social media management, personal branding, digital marketing, financial management and project management. Once you have acquired these skills, you are set on a great path to success as these are things one seeks very highly in individuals in current times.?

Develop In-Demand Skills

2. Build a Strong Online Presence: start off easy, use your thousand followers on Instagram LinkedIn and Facebook. Use these people as your base and we promise you, you’ll see an amazing push in your vision. These are your people and they are sure to be more supportive towards dreams than a random stranger. Start a WordPress blog or website. Design it for your own fashion and vision.?

Build a Strong Online Presence

3. Tailor Your Applications: the time of a generic bio data or resume is over. It's the time of the Application Tracking System or ATS, that scrutinizes resumes to a great extent which makes it even harder for applicants to get selected into their choice of position.?

Tailor Your Applications

4. Showcase Soft Skills: Harsh skills are definitely important but so are soft skills. A presentable person who has a well-rounded personality will always be preferred over a person who doesn't know how to converse with someone. This is why employers prefer people who are adjustable, individually oriented and practical.

Showcase Soft Skills

5. Network Intentionally: networking can open opportunities that are not usually presented in the open. LinkedIn is one of the best platforms to start off. You can always connect with people who are relevant to your field, people you look up to for career choices and founders/ entrepreneurs.

Network Intentionally

To start off, you have to begin to visualise yourself in a social surrounding being proficient in what you do. With the right strategy and mindset, anything is possible.



