How To Spread Your Message Like Wildfire And Grow Your Audience With Content
Mickey Salageanu
Helping SaaS and e-com companies increase their revenue with CRO programs ??
There are a few things that you can do to promote your services and grow your audience:
- Paid Ads
- Have someone promote you to their audience (“influencer marketing”)
- Organic growth
Every single one of these options is a viable solution to you. In an ideal world, you would want to combine all these options to become a well-oiled audience growing machine.
None of the above is more important than the other. But you should have something in place in your business to cover all of the above.
It’s not that you are missing out. It’s about not having the right tools in place to have a consistent and predictable way to grow your audience and get more clients.
The reason behind this is that not everybody is ready to buy from you right now. Actually, most of your followers aren’t ready to buy from you right now. Which means that you need to build some rapport with your audience first, and once they are ready to buy, they’ll hit you up.
Just like Coca-Cola or McDonald’s or Mercedes etc. They are everywhere. On the street, on TV, in your news feed, in movies… everywhere.
Sure, we might not have the luxury to spend Coca-Cola money on ads. But that’s not the point.
The point is that they are EVERYWHERE. They are omnipresent.
You don’t need a huge budget to be omnipresent. Actually, all you need is a system to conquer social media.
No, you don’t need to
- Learn social media marketing (or any other marketing for that matter)
- Become a full-time content producer just to promote your coaching business
- Have a crazy budget for ads
All you need is to be confident in your expertise and to know your audience. If you already have these two things, you’ll need a system to implement and you are good to go.
Here’s the deal.
You’ll need to put in the work. This thing isn’t going to get itself done. But I managed to create a system and break it down in the most simplistic way possible. So that you can literally be seen EVERYWHERE and create a week’s worth of content from just one short video.
I’m not going to prolong this any longer. So, without further ado, here is the Content Multiplier Method in 7-steps:
1. Find Out What Your Audience Wants
Note that I didn’t say what your audience needs.
That’s because nobody “NEEDS” coaching. Nobody “NEEDS” to lose weight.
But everybody “WANTS” to live a more fulfilled life. Everybody “WANTS” to make more money. Everybody "WANTS" not to die young.
Last week I spoke with a client that is coaching corporate executives. She was about to submit an offer and asked for my help with it.
She is in the game for some years and is legit. She worked with a few big companies and a client she used to work with came back and asked for an offer to work with 3 new executives.
We went through the offer and when I asked “Why did the client contact you in the first place? What is his problem? What’s the end goal for the 3 new executives?”…
…the answer was “The client decided that the 3 new executives need some coaching”
No… That’s not the answer. Nobody wants “coaching”. They want to be more productive, to have a happier life, to become a high performer…
Coaching is just the vehicle that brings them from point A to point B. Not the purpose of the exercise.
Regardless what is the nature of the business it will always be just a vehicle. A means to an end. Nobody wants money just to have more money to count. They want more money to be able to pay for their kid’s college, to clear up the debts, to live an independent life.
By knowing exactly what the needs are you will be able to create more compelling stories that your audience can relate to.
How can you do that?
You just have to do some research and create a Buyers Persona. Your ideal customer profile.
There are a bunch of ways to do this. Don’t over complicate this. Here is a simple way to do this
1. What is your ideal customer's “Pillow Talk”
When they are sitting in bed, with their partner, what conversation are they having? “I sure hope I can find some coaching for my 3 new executives”?
Or is it “if I don’t find a way to improve communication in the team we’ll never hit the deadline on time and the board is going to have my head on a gold plater”?
If you can find out what that conversation is all about, you can take part in that conversation and genuinely offer a solution to their problem. Coaching is just the vehicle that gets your client to his destination. Don’t talk about the vehicle. Talk about how fast you can reach the destination.
The plane is more expensive than the train because it gets you there faster. Not because you have no room for your legs and is uncomfortable. You have more room with the train and is more comfortable but you'll get there later than the plane.
The price is based on how fast you get there. Not how much leg room you have.
2. What keeps your ideal customers from achieving that end result?
It can be limiting beliefs, people keep pushing them around, negative perspective, negative language patterns and so on.
Don’t just write the reasons. Try to write a short paragraph to explain the reason and from where it comes from. If you can come up with 3 reasons that keep your ideal customer from achieving their goal, you are good to go.
3. How would their life look like after they fixed their problem?
Equally as important is what will change in their life. Some people like to travel, others just want the ease of mind.
Write a paragraph or two around how their life would look like now that their problem is solved.
Right, these things make sense, but how can you find out this information? Well, you need to do some research.
How To Research Your Ideal Customer
The easiest way is to make a list of people that you’d love to work with and just call them. Ask them the questions above, talk to them and them write down your answers.
After you spoke to about 20-50 people you have everything you need. Including the demographics. Which are as important as the other stuff mentioned above.
Are they a man or a woman? How old are they? Where do they work? Etc.
This entire step right here is 80% of the job. In any business. Even for giant tech companies.
If you can find out this information you have literally just solved 80% of your audience growing, revenue-generating problems. Everything else is putting the pieces into place.
Which we are going to do right now
2. Map Out Your Content Strategy and Content Calendar
What’s the point in publishing content?
If you are publishing content with the sole intent to publish content because that’s what everybody says you should do, you are missing out.
Publishing content for the sake of drawing awareness is not an optimal way to do content. It should be doing something for your audience. Not for you.
Michelin, the tire company, create a magazine that rates restaurant and hotels. Today it became the most sought-after prize in any professional chef’s career. The Michelin Stars are like The Oscar’s in the culinary world.
Michelin created the magazine to advertise restaurants and hotels so that people would get in their cars and drive there. In time, the car tires would wear out and hopefully, they would get replaced with Michelin tires.
That’s how the culinary industry got rocked. With car tires…
Strategically speaking, this is the exact same thing that happens in our world. But we do it a bit differently. In order to really understand how this works, we need to look at when do people buy stuff.
"A Great Salesperson Isn’t Persistent. A Great Salesperson Will Meet The Buyer Where They’re At."
There are 3 types of people in this world:
- People that know what their problem is and how to solve it
- People that know they have a problem but don’t know how to solve it
- People that have absolutely no idea that they have a problem
Most people that buy from you right now know what their problem is and how to fix it. That’s why they hire you.
They trust that you are the right person to deliver whatever result they want. But a person that has absolutely no idea how to fix a problem, is highly unlikely to make a purchase from you.
Why would they give you money if they don’t see you as a possible solution? Why would coaching be the answer when all they want is to be more productive at work?
This is what content should be doing for you.
Content should be leading your audience through these stages until they are ready to make an investment with you. To be more specific, the majority of your content should be focused for the latter.
Here is a breakdown of what I’m talking about
- Content around possibility (people that have absolutely no idea)
- Content around information (people that know they have a problem but don’t know how to fix it)
- Content for conversion (people that know the problem and know the solution)
The Content for Conversion I’d be writing only for my email list. Because my list knows who I am and what I’m all about. Sure, you can use advanced Facebook ads tactics but that’s not my thing. It’s too complicated and it’s too risky. Facebook might change the rules again. But nobody can take my list away from me.
Content Around Information can be posted on social media and to your list as well. I’m a huge fan of creating a lead magnet out of it. Some coaches and entrepreneurs tend to be too selfish with this. And that’s not right. If you hold back on talking about How To solve the problem your audience is having, you are going to miss out on a lot.
Your audience won’t think that you can solve their problem. I’d suggest having something like an info piece as a lead magnet. Of course, you should be posting informational stuff every now and then but don’t overdo it.
The majority of the content that goes out publicly on social media and on your website should be around Creating the Possibility of change. Because that’s where most of your audience is right now. They don’t know exactly what their problem is exactly and have no idea how to make it better. All they know is that they want an end result that at this stage is just a dream.
To get you started here is a very quick and easy way to come up with content ideas and a content calendar. I learned this from a super smart digital marketer some time ago, and it is literally the easiest way I know to come up with content ideas:
For every product or service that you offer, create a list of 10 Frequently Asked Questions. What are the top 10 questions people have around your services and products?
If you have 2 products you will have 20 FAQ. Which means you now have 20 content ideas.
But the fun part is this.
After writing the 10 FAQ’s for every product, it’s time to write the 10 Should Ask Questions for each individual product.
What are the Should Ask Questions?
They are the questions you wished your customers would ask you. The questions that help you position you and the product. The answer to the questions should be around your unique selling proposition. It’s what will separate you from your “competition”.
Right now, you should have combined around 40 questions and therefore 40 content ideas.
If you can’t find 10 questions for any of your products that is fine. You could try a quick Google search to find more questions.
I know that publishing multiple pieces of content each day is the goal. And that is true. But in this case, the list that you just came up with will be used as a weekly calendar.
That means that if you have 40 questions, you now have content covered for 40 weeks. One question gets covered every week.
But how are we going to be able to publish content daily if we only have content for just one week?
Well, this is the beauty of the Content Multiplier Method. We will only do one big piece of content for the week, and after that, we will multiply it to last us the entire week. We’ll cover that in the next steps.
3. Record Your Outlet
Video is without question the content type that gets the biggest reach and biggest engagement. People keep saying that video is huge. Yet still, the movie industry grows each year by the billions.
Video was always huge. And will always be huge. That’s not to say that the publishing industry will die. Far from it. What I’m trying to say is that there is value in having both video and text published online.
And if you want to be seen everywhere, it’s kind of a must.
What’s with the outlet?
Rather than posting a random video every now and then, make your video series part of a show. Your show. It will help you position yourself as a brand. Whenever you post a video up it will actually be the next episode of your show.
Michelin has their restaurant guide as one of their outlets. The Guinness brewery has the Guinness World Book of Records as one of their outlets. GaryVee has the Ask GaryVee Show. Tim Ferriss has The Tim Ferriss Podcast. And recently he launched a new podcast called Tribe Of Mentors.
Every company and person on that list has other outlets as well. That helps to segregate the message. Every single outlet is a different show that covers a different topic that is suitable for a different audience.
You can decide on whatever show and outlet you want. As long as it is a video and it’s around your ideal customer and his needs.
It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just pick up your phone and start recording. Here are a few things to take into consideration when you are recording:
- Make sure the video quality is not potato quality. It doesn’t have to be Ultra HD 4k quality. It just shouldn’t be garbage. Most phones now have incredible video quality. If you have a professional camera, use that one instead.
- Invest in a tripod. Or at least have your device fixed in one place. Try not to hold it in your hand. You could use a selfie stick. It’s not that shaky in my opinion. If your audience is super young and is used to handheld selfie videos, then it’s fine to do handheld videos.
- The audio quality is as important as the video quality. Some phones have better inbuild mic quality than what you get from your headset. Depends on the device and on the headphones you have. Test it out. Or better yet, invest in a microphone.
- Don’t write a script for your video. Instead, write the main ideas you want to talk about. It’s best to cover one main idea and a 3-step process (or something similar). This way it’s going to be easier to multiply your content. For example, this piece of content has 7 steps.
- Look directly into the camera. Don’t look at yourself but look straight into the camera.
- Make sure your video doesn’t exceed 10 minutes. Longer videos are great but you have to take into consideration the attention span of a person. Don’t make it a 4-minute video. That’s too short to multiply.
You now have 1 piece of content. Congratulations! ??
- One video.
Now it’s time to multiply it.
4. Get The Transcript
Now it’s time to get the transcript to your video. Don’t worry. You don’t have to do it manually. You don’t have to hire a VA to do this either.
There are services out there that will do this for you for as little as $1 per minute. For a 10 minute video that’s $10 per week. That’s extremely cheap. You can actually get it cheaper. I’ll get to that in a minute.
But first, why would you need a transcript.
Well, because you would need to have the subtitles added to your video. I know YouTube does this automatically, but it’s not always accurate. Also, Facebook doesn’t add subtitles to your video automatically.
Yes, you will have to upload your video to Facebook and YouTube separately. We will cover this in the last section.
Second of all, it’s easier to multiply a piece of text than a video. You have the text in front of you and you can easily just copy/paste everything. I’ll show you how in the next step.
But the most important aspect is that if you have the transcript, you automatically have a blog post as well.
You will have to spend some time to “soften the edges” of the transcript to make it look like a blog. Because in the video you go off on tangents, you have “uhms” and “ahs” that need to be edited and similar things.
It won’t take long but it’s a necessary step.
Let’s talk about the services that do this for you. One of them is They are great and have a turnover time of 24h-48h. Which is super fast. And it’s extremely accurate. They charge $1 per minute which is also extremely cheap.
But if you have a high volume of videos that you want to transcribe you can use This one is a software that you can use for yourself. You just upload the video on the platform and you’ll get the transcript within minutes. The editing software is extremely easy to use and you can trim down everything in no time.
You can then download the subtitle file automatically from there. They have different price points so you will have to check it out yourself.
I have to mention that I’m in no way shape or form associated with these two websites and I’m not getting anything for recommending them. I’ve tried them out and both of these services are good and get the job done.
Now that you have your transcript you have two pieces of content.
- One video
- One blog
Congrats ??.
Now it’s time to step things up a bit and bring in the big guns.
5. Identify The Main Themes And Statements
This is where you actually start to multiply your content.
Here is the main idea behind this.
When ever you start describing a problem or a concept, inevitably you will go off on tangents, different topics or just add some examples to give more context.
All these different tangents can be used as individual content ideas. Not huge, major content pieces. But something to talk about.
These themes and statements will be used as posts for social media.
Let me give you an example to give you more context (see what I did there?)
I once had a client that is a stress management doctor. She works with women that are decision makers in their place of work and helps them cope with stress. Her clients were complaining that they had to redo most of their reports because they weren’t accurate and that generated stress.
She recorded a 10-minute video talking about how making more mistakes than usually at the workspace is actually a symptom of stress. Not the other way around. She then added a “prescription” on how to fix that.
We identified this theme and created a statement. The statement is basically a quote that we will use to start off the conversation. A quote that often gets used as a headline for example.
But most importantly, it will be used as an image to go along with the new content piece.
We are going to jump one step ahead to give you a visual example. Here is what I’m talking about.
In this image, you see the statement that we came up with based on the transcript we got back. In your case, it can be anything you want but it shouldn’t be too technical.
Based on that statement and the context of the video (original piece) we wrote a short piece of copy to go along with the statement. Just like in any other debate. You are given a topic and asked to make a case for or against the topic.
That copy is going to be the actual post that is to be used on social media.
That statement is going to be used to create an image
Here is how it looks like.
In the image above, you can see the statement that went as a quote on an image, and the copy went out as the post. This example above is for Facebook.
We’ll talk more about the images in the next step. I just want to add a few more pointers to identifying the statements before we move on.
For every blog piece, you need to identify 4 statements. With those 4 statements, you can create 4 Authority Images and therefore 4 social media posts.
With this you will have:
- 1 video
- 1 blog
- 4 social media posts
You now have content to last you 6 days. One post to go out each day (we’ll cover how to publish the content as well)
Before we move on, there is one last thing I want to mention.
Remember when I said that in your video you’d want to cover one main idea with a 3-step process? That’s because that 3-step process is going to be your infographic.
This article that you are reading right now has one main idea of being seen everywhere and a 7-step process on how to do that.
From this article, I will eventually create an infographic showcasing an overview of the 7-step process.
Yes, I know this piece is a bit longer and more consistent than what I suggested you should do in your business. That doesn’t mean that you should do the same.
My job is to create content. My job is to write and multiply ideas. This is what I enjoy doing.
But if you don’t want to switch careers I suggest you just stick to a 3-step process. It doesn’t really have to be a How-To article.
It can be
- Things to avoid
- What makes a good practitioner in your industry
- 3 steps why should do/don’t do X
The reason behind this is that you’d want to have some sort of a sequence of actionable items that your audience can follow. This way you will be seen as the expert and an authority in your space.
Make a note of the process and write down the information. We will create the infographic with those notes.
6. Create The Authority Images
What’s the deal with the images?
I’m going to give you all the details on how we create those images in a minute. But first, let me point why we use images.
We live in a very crowded space. A very crowded social media space. Everybody is fighting for your attention. Social media is free to use.
So that’s why every business out there uses social media. Your audience is on social media, regardless of who your audience is, they are there. And everybody is fighting for his or her attention.
Heck, everybody is fighting for your and my attention as well.
Most of the time you open up Facebook to just kill a few minutes. You just scroll mindlessly through it and just look at the feed. You don’t watch it. You just look at it.
Video has the highest engagement rate on social media. And second to that are images.
And if you want to make the most out of your social media presence, you will have to use images.
What type of images?
Authority Images. Something that stands out, grabs the attention of your audience and shows that you know what you are talking about.
The Authority Images work just like headlines in a blog. They make the viewer stop and read your statement so that they can further read the copy.
First off I have to mention that you need consistency. If you want to use funky, cartoon-like images with a lot of colors, that’s great.
Just make sure that you are consistent. Don’t switch between cartoon-like images and polished images and then back to memes.
Just pick one and stick to one.
I use high-resolution images that are actually photographs made by professional photographers. The main reason behind this is they look fantastic and professional, and that’s something that I want to project as part of my branding, and because they are free.
Genuinely royalty free. You can do whatever you want with them.
There are 3 websites that I use.
They pretty much have the same database. But every now and then you find something interesting.
What type of images are you searching for?
Images that, in any way you like, reflect the statement or the theme of the post. If you talk about productivity and improving that, chose an image that is somewhat representative.
Don’t pick an image of a car or a landscape just because you like it. It’s not for you, it’s for your audience.
You should now have 4 images. One for every statement.
Now it’s time to put everything together and knock it out of the park.
It’s time to edit the images and create the social media posts. For this, you will need an editing software. It can be literally anything. But here is what I’m using.
It’s mostly free to use. It’s by far the easiest to use image editor there is out there. It even has templates that you can choose from.
I’m not associated with this website either. I’m not getting paid to recommend it. I just enjoy it a lot, I’ve been using it for 6 years and it’s the best.
There are 3 things I hate the most in this world:
- Broccoli
- Wet towels
- Editing images
But Canva really made it super easy.
All you have to do now is decide on an image template. Or a few, why not.
We’re not going to go through how to use Canva. It’s super easy. Just give it a go and you will catch on to it really fast.
All I have to say at this stage is if you have no idea what design you want to use, just pick out a layout from the software. They have loads of free layouts you can use. Pick a layout, change the image with one you have saved earlier, change the text with the statement you just found, and that’s it.
You now have one Authority Image for Facebook. You have to do the same thing again for all the other social media platforms as well.
At the end of the day, you will have the exact same image resized to fit all the other social media platforms. Don’t create a Facebook image and publish it on Instagram. The size of the image really matters. It will make all the difference. Create a separate image for Instagram.
You have to go through the exact same process again for all the other 4 statements.
If you would want to be present on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn you would need to create a total of 16 images.
The same thing goes for the infographic as well. Canva has a template for infographics. Just pick one out, change the colors, and add your text to it.
Some people want to have their infographic resized to fit all social media platforms. That means a total of 4 infographics with the same information but different in size. You can do that if you want.
It’s just like hot or sweet sauce. It’s a matter of taste. If you want to do that, sure. That’s not a problem.
Right, so now you have created the images as well and you now have:
- 1 video
- 1 blog
- 4 social media posts (image + text)
- 1 infographic (image + text)
You now have a week’s worth of content from just one video!
Now it’s time to schedule everything and push it out there
7. Syndication
It’s time to publish your content everywhere and be seen everywhere.
There are a few ways you can do this. You can go out and conquer social media. To be seen on every social media platform out there.
Or you can take advantage of online communities that support each other by sharing each other’s post. Or you could use a tool like to be discovered.
Or you spin your article and publish it on other publishing platforms to improve your SEO.
There are a bunch of different ways you can do this. It depends on what you want.
What I suggest is to go for the social media platforms. Sure, StumbleUpon is great, SEO is fantastic, but the absolute minimum thing that you should be doing is social media.
Everything else is just gravy.
Now that we decided to publish content only on social media, it’s time to figure out how we are going to do that. We have exactly 7 pieces of content from one video. And there are 7 days a week.
How convenient ??
Schedule one post to go out every day of the week. On all social media platforms.
Here is an example
See what I did there? One post goes out every day. But every day I publish a different piece of content on every social media platform.
For example, if on Monday I promote the blog post on Facebook, on Tuesday it will go out on Instagram.
Why do I do that?
Just so that I mix things up a bit. Will it make a huge difference? I hardly doubt it. At least I didn’t notice anything.
I know what you are thinking… this is content duplication!
It isn’t content duplication. It’s content repurposing. You are not posting the same content. The image is the same, yes. The main idea around it is the same yes.
You will have to adjust the copy of the social media post as well. Meaning when promoting the blog, don’t just copy paste the same text on all social media platforms.
First of all, because there are limitations for every platform. But second of all because that would be content duplication. You need to adjust the copy to fit on the platform.
And that’s it!
This is how you can spread your message like wildfire and be seen everywhere with the Content Multiplier Method.
It takes some time to practice, but you will get a hang of it by the 2nd time you go through it.
I’m opening up my services and will start working with a few people on implementing the Content Multiplier Method inside their business. It’s a done for you service where you don’t have to do anything, just record the video. I’ll take care of everything. From content ideas to content creation.
But I can only work with 3 people at a time. And because it’s a monthly service, there is no way for me to know when I’ll be able to free up my time to accept new clients.
If you want to have the Content Multiplier Method implemented in your business, hit the link below to book a call. Let’s chat and see how and if I can help and if we are a good fit, let’s get the ball rolling on growing your audience and spreading your message like wildfire.
Hit the link below and let’s chat.
Marketing Manager @ Star Marketing Consulting | Online Marketing, Facebook & Google Ads | SEO | Content | Analytics
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