How to Spot A Workplace Bully
This week is National Anti Bullying week. Over the last few years we have seen an alarming increase in the amount and of people claiming they are being bullied at work. Sure, sometimes all of these claims don’t always ring true, however it is a fact that with increasing focus and concern over mental health, we are definitely seeing more and more employees with genuine bullying situations.
Being blunt (and to keep this concise), as much as bullying shouldn’t be tolerated in our schools, colleges, universities etc, it should be eradicated in the work place. There is no longer any excuse, or reason for it. If it is happening or could happen in your business, you need to figure out how to stamp it out, and fast.
What constitutes a workplace bully- the list is diverse, but here are some key characteristics
* someone who shouts, threatens, raises their voice, or act aggressively (in person or electronically)
* someone who belittles, puts down, mocks, uses sarcasm and passive aggressive behaviour, disrespecting co-workers.
*someone who abuses their power, their seniority, or uses their position within a business to cause someone else a detriment.
*someone who ignores others, excludes others regularly, spreads gossip or rumours.
*someone who used inappropriate language, games, behaviours to make someone feel bad (recently heard about a sales company that cellotape phone handsets to low performing employees hand). A name and shame culture. Making people do forfits for not hitting a sales target, 100% bullying,
Sadly, the world we live in these days is showing us that these types of behaviours are no longer just limited to management towards subordinates. It happens on all levels, peer to peer, management, board level, even teams of bullies who work together to have a larger impact.
My key advice for anyone worried is in the first instance for goodness sake take any claim of bullying totally seriously. If you as a leader or a business owner handle this incorrectly, or try and smooth it over, you could well find yourself on the list of bullies for condoning it.
In most cases, people who have been caught displaying bullying behaviours within a business scenario do not keep their jobs long. However, what is your policy and what is your culture, are you promoting or preventing it? Take a step back and look, call us if you need us!