How to Spot a Fake Business Coach in Two Steps
This article is part of my Strong Tips series. Subscribe today and join 100,000+ other personal trainers who receive my weekly fitness business domination roundup, Stronger Sundays.
I was surprised to see a recommendation for a shady business coach in Online Trainers Unite, our free Facebook group that you're welcome to join.
Despite this person being in business for three-plus years, I’d never heard of anybody having a positive experience. So why would someone recommend him?
It didn’t take long to figure it out: The endorsement was written by someone who works for the coach but didn’t disclose his affiliation—an obviously shady practice.
If this was an isolated incident, then it’d be one thing. But it’s not.
A year earlier, the business coach was caught recommending his own services through a fake Facebook profile, which he used to insinuate himself into groups of online trainers, including mine.
How was he exposed? He used a male porn star’s picture for his fake profile.
The takeaway: There is a process to weed out con artists posing as business coaches.
First, consider how you came across the coach. Did you hear about him before you heard from him? Has he worked with people you know, whose recommendations you’d trust?
Second, testimonials are important but check references. The same coach caught using a porn star’s image in his profile was also caught buying fake video reviews. Again, it was laughably easy to figure it out. His "satisfied customers" were offering fake endorsements on Fiverr for $5 each.
(This is why we include contact information for every one of the 100+ successful Online Trainer Academy students featured on our success stories page.)
Quote of the Day:
“Apart from social media, don’t ‘follow’ me. Don’t ‘follow’ anyone. Follow reason. Follow the evidence, and follow it wherever it leads.” —Nick Tumminello
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Jonathan Goodman is the founder of the Personal Trainer Development Center, the largest independent community of fit pros in the world. He’s also the founder of the first-ever certification for online fitness trainers, the Online Trainer Academy. Originally from Toronto, Jon travels the world with his wife and young son in the winters.