How To Spiritually Increase Your Will To Live
Photo By Federico Beccari

How To Spiritually Increase Your Will To Live

How to spiritually increase your will to live:

The will to live is strong I found if one has the right mindset and a positive attitude.

Learned resilience has been a key factor in my life. When persons are able to look back at life events and determine that they have survived each of them, they are better equipped to move forward.

My parents had taught me how to live without them before each passed, so that whenever I would feel overwhelmed, I can call upon my resiliency reserves to get me through every eventuality.

Even in my darkest moments when the thought that it would be better if I wasn’t here attempted to slip into my consciousness, that certainty that I would somehow emerge triumphant has always helped me to keep on going on.

The will to live is a powerful force that you can create, cultivate and even sustain within yourself.

Even though at my age and life stage I now always know death is strong possibility, I have no conscious intention of “leaving the building” at this time.

Is it fear of death or love of life that helps me to remain incarnate? Both!

I live for the promise of tomorrow. The beauty outside. What it is does change day to day and sometimes moment to moment.\

Plus here is how to spiritually overcome the fear of death:

Take control of your life.

Devote passing quality time with the people you enjoy being around.

Try new things daily.

Always keep active and engaged with positive activities.

Fully embrace life.

Learn to realize & accept that death is natural.

Find comfort in the fact that everyone else must experience it, too.

Learn to yield yourself to the unknown.

Focus upon living truly mindfully & well.

Live a life full of service.

Plan for your passing,

Get all your affairs in order.

Focus upon living authentically, passionately and well.

Become truly satisfied with your own life.

Read available spiritual literature and self-help guides about death.

Explore spirituality.

Have a daily spiritual practice.

Have a daily meditation practice.

Join a spiritual community.

Realize that your consciousness goes on forever & all you will leave behind (besides loved ones & friends---for awhile) is the physical & material world.

Realize you are Spirit.

Know that you come from Spirit.

Understand that you return to Spirit.

Know that spiritual qualities such as love, compassion, joy, courage, humility, forgiveness, and patience are eternal.

Realize that hope cannot die if love empowers it.

Learn to accept that death is a natural stage of life,

It helps to recognize yourself as part of a great cycle and find comfort in the fact that everyone else must go through the same experiences of conception, birth and death.

Choose to view your life and your contribution to this world as an honor.

You have had the privilege of living; so, be grateful and accept death when it eventually comes to you.

Read available literature and self-help guides concerning death.

Adopt rituals.

Explore spirituality and metaphysics.

Focus upon living well.

Plan now for your ultimate passing.

Realize your Soul lives on (actually, forever), along with your consciousness.

Recognize your self-awareness resides within the soul, not the body or the brain.

P.S. Anything else that YOU would add?

The author, Dr. John B. Charnay, CEO of Charnay and Associates in Greater Los Angeles, is a leading spiritual life coach, leadership coach and career and life coach.  He has helped hundreds get the lives, raises, promotions or jobs of their dreams! He has extensive experience teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels at leading universities throughout the greater Los Angeles area, including USC, UCLA, CSUN, FIDM, Woodbury and Pepperdine. Additionally, he is a top fundraising advisor and an award-winning public relations professional who has been a strategic PR and philanthropy advisor to many famous celebrities and Fortune 1000 CEOs. To meet him and ask for his support, invite him to be LinkedIn (email in profile) and contact him today!

Delford Louis,BA

Humanity Potential, Independent, NATHANLOUISHEALINGFOUNDATION.ORG, NYFA, stories tell

6 年

Well said and absolutely agree!


