How to be a Spider in the Web of Networking
The Clique Club
Meet your clique at this exclusive invite-only social networking group where you network with a fun twist!
Do you know what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones? You guessed it right - it’s networking. Numerous studies have shown that the most successful people rely heavily on networking. Expanding your network is analogous to an octopus spreading its tentacles for a successful hunt or a spider weaving an intricate web. If you persevere, you’re sure to win!?
Dale Carnegie, the author of the renowned book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ once famously said, “You can do more business in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”?
Now that we’ve established the significance of networking, here are some tips for weaving your networking web.?
Always Be Prepared
Try scheduling appointments ahead of time. You don’t want to be the guy hastily scurrying to the networking event?at the last minute without a business card or a resume. It would make a bad first impression and people would presume that you’re a disorganized person. Since you will be receiving a great deal of information, having all your things in order is absolutely necessary.?
Be Presentable
Don’t forget to dress for the occasion. Your attire communicates who you are to others. Browse through your wardrobe and select something that will help you make a great first impression. During the introduction, always stand straight and smile. Don’t forget to maintain eye contact and have a firm handshake. Doing these things will facilitate?strategic networking.?
Memorize Your Elevator Pitch
Like any effective salesman, you should have your elevator pitch ready so that you can build an effective relationship network. You should be able to market yourself by communicating your strengths and how they will translate into results. Be concise and avoid using fillers in your introduction.?
Listen Attentively
Initiate conversations by asking open-ended questions. Always be mindful of the fact that networking is not only about establishing contacts but also building long-term relationships. When others are talking, you should maintain rapt attention so that you can ask good follow-up questions. After all, people want to be heard and appreciated.?
Solicit Advice
Being shy and reclusive is simply not an option at any networking event. If you’re lost in the crowd, the whole purpose of attending the event will be defeated. Generally, people like it when you ask for their advice as it makes them feel important. You’re bound to receive crucial insights by soliciting suggestions from industry experts.?
Utilize Online Platforms
Thanks to the internet, the world is connected like never before. Various social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc will help you obtain insider information regarding the latest industry trends. You can seize this strategic networking opportunity to connect with various individuals and obtain memberships in professional associations.?
Stay in the Loop
Networking is an ongoing process that demands your earnest efforts and dedication. Make sure to exchange contact information and maintain regular communication.
Keep in mind that preserving your connections is the first step toward consolidating and expanding your relationship network.
We’re sure that after reading this blog, you’ll be cruising through networking events like Spiderman flying through New York City!