How Speed will Affect your Website and how to boost performance of the website
SEO is the most important factor of your website. it’s part of digital marketing in lead generations. SEO has many types of strategy and officially google is change the search result factor. it’s most part is page speed. If your website page speed is low means you do not get ranking and traffic. If you get rank to another way but the user is not satisfied so you need to increase your website speed 90+ on the search engine. You have one questions how can I do that so it’s very easy you can type google page speed checking tools and click this link then after entering your website URL and click the analyze button. If you did not know how to do that and what is impact generate then massage me we are helping you. We are developed a 99 percent speed achieve to 100. We have 150+ in house engineer team and developed best in class design click here and check our work directory.
Slow Web Sites are bad for business. The complete success of your web site depends only on its speed. As we are internet users we know that if any of the web sites don’t load fast enough we have left that site without even seen any of its content.
If our web site is taking too much time to render the user stop visiting it. and it causes a bad impact on our business. And any client visiting slow web site they will definitely not going to buy such lazy web sites.
Slow sites have poor search engine ranking, lower overall site traffic, and negative user experience. It will affect the performance of web site and low-performance web site are never be too long existable in market
Factors affecting speed of web site:
1.Large File Size:
2.Load Time:
3.Time To First Bite:
4.Round Trip:
5.Server Hosting:
7.PC Cache:
8.Too many external media:
9.Use Of Plugins:
How can we overcome this problem ??
1. Minimize Http Requests:
2. Reduce File Size:
3. Enable Gzip Compression:
4. Minimize Load Time:
5. Enable Browser Caching:
6. Use Content Delivery Network:
7. Rendering JavaScript:
8. Optimized Server Response:
9. Minimize The Number Of Plugins:
10. Choose Reliable Web Host: