How to solve your most difficult problems!
Stefan E. Lund
Cultural builder | Helping people and organisations to perform at their best, when it matters the most! |
Have you ever got stuck? Although you know that you have a lot of good ideas inside, but they won't come out.
Find your best solutions and your path to success Make sure you have pen and paper. Sit down in a comfortable armchair and hold two steel balls in your hand hold your hand. Place your hand outside the armrest so that the balls fall into the floor if you drop them. Sit back and relax, breathe calmly and just relax until you almost fall asleep. When the hand relaxes you will drop the steel balls into the floor so that you wake up. The first thing that then comes up in your thoughts write it down. It's the beginning of the solution to a problem that you haven't found the solution to yet. It is not certain that it is only a matter of problem-solving, it may as well be something you should do which later gives you amazing success.
Solution and success The brain does not care if it is a very current topic you have been thinking about, or something old that has annoyed you for a long time. It is not uncommon that there is something old! If you do what comes up as a thought when you wake up, it can be the solution and the success of what is both current and old. Even if you cannot understand how it might have any connection, you will later understand and say; Yes obviously strange that I didn't understood that it right away.
Just do it! Do what feels right, that's what is right It is in this situation between awake and sleeping conditions the brain is at its best and picks up what is best and most important for you. When you get a feeling inside yourself that what you just wrote down is right. Then there is nothing to hesitate about, it will lead you and become your success. You shouldn't think, just do it! Do what feels right, that's what is right. You will manage everything you need. Nothing will be impossible!
Stefan E Lund [email protected]