End Your Client Getting Pain

End Your Client Getting Pain

Welcome back to this latest edition of The Impactful Influencer Newsletter - it’s great to see you here!

Welcome Back To The Impactful Influencer Newsletter!

If you’re a service-based professional or sector expert who’s struggling to attract enough of the right type of clients, and if you’re spending too much of your time chasing work rather than delivering it - well that's the BIG and IMPORTANT problem we're going to solve for you today.

Perhaps, on the other hand, you have plenty of clients - but you're working too hard, without a healthy surplus to re-invest in your growth.

This is a symptom of undercharging, which is a different side of the same coin.

If that's you - instead of just finding clients, your goal may be to attract clients who value you highly, and are willing to pay you at the level you deserve.

My mission is to help you earn more, work less and spend more time on the people and things you love – without you having to engage in pointless, energy draining activity that sends you straight back to square one.

With that in mind, let's get into it!

We'll start by looking at:

What's NOT Working Today

If you are looking to attract more dream clients right now, you are probably doing some of the following things:

??Posting on social media with content you think will resonate,

??Reaching out to people you feel your offer would be perfect for,

??Jumping on calls with people who lack the means (or the motivation) to pay for what you do,

??Networking with people whose only want to sell to you,

??Chasing peer acquired referrals that don't turn into business for you,

??Making business friends and joining communities, so you don't have to share the struggle alone,

??Hiring inexperienced marketers who want to learn at your expense, and:

??Having soul destroying conversations that go nowhere.

If any of that sounds familiar, I feel your pain.

I’ve done (and still do) some of those things too!

Many of these activities give you the benefit of community - and there's nothing wrong with that.

People to cheer you on from the sidelines is something we all need.

However, if I was to ask you to tell me honestly - what do you want and need most in your business?

You would probably rank the desirability of that community and team support below the most important thing of all.

Which is acquiring a steady, predictable stream of exactly the right clients for you.

Find Exactly The Right Clients For YOU

The Traditional Ways Of Developing Business Don't Work As Well Today

Back when I started selling my own services, and after a ton of 1:1 meetings and calls, I quickly came to realise that in today’s fast paced global marketplace, the traditional ways of developing business are not working as well as they did in the past.

Many service based businesses — like consultancies, coaching practices and professional service firms — are struggling to achieve the high quality clients they deserve.

HOW do I know?

Because they come to me for the answers!

Every Market Is Saturated

The first, and possibly the worst, problem everyone's facing is saturation.

Every Market Today Is Saturated

In today's global online environment, every market is saturated.

Competition has gone through the roof, and is available at the click of a button.

Getting someone’s attention for long enough for them to commit to you, and you alone, can be a long and depressingly drawn out process.

Even worse, when you're making that effort 1:1, it often has the effect of lowering your status in their eyes.

This is because it makes you look and sound like a seller, who needs their business.

That drives down their perception of your value and makes it hard for you to charge the premium price you want.

After experiencing this pain myself, and comparing the results I was achieving to the brands I managed in my former high flying global marketing career, I made it my number one goal to solve this common soul and profit destroying problem.

The Problem With Automation.....

That was when I began my automation journey.

If you’ve been in "the game" for a while, you have probably set up some automations and systems in your own business too.

Automation And Systems Help You Reach Prospects At Scale

Email marketing, funnels, CRM (customer relationship management) tools - maybe some advanced content marketing such as a podcast or a YouTube channel. Perhaps you’ve also produced some short form content, like reels and clips?

I’m all for systems, and video marketing has undeniable power, but if it’s not bringing you the business you need, it really just becomes an expensive hobby.

With 35 billion google searches happening daily, whatever you hear from the so called gurus who've been around for longer and have much bigger budgets than you to play with, there's only one reliable guarantee today:

Success will not come your way through shouting louder than your rivals.

Automation helps you scale your prospect pipeline, but it won’t help if you’re scaling an offer that’s weak to begin with.

By weak, I don’t mean that no-one wants or needs what you do.

When you’re focussed on growth, you have to go outside that cosy bubble of your existing network, to package and present what you do in a seriously compelling way.

That’s the first and most important thing you will need to do.

Vague and Generic Messaging = BAD

Many experts use overly broad language that doesn't communicate their unique value.

They rely on generic phrases like "improving results" or "achieving success," which are overused in their sector and make them sound dull.

It's important to to focus on the specific problems you solve and the outcomes you deliver, using clear, jargon-free and emotive language that highlights your difference.

A Strng Message To Market Sparks Interest And Desire

If you cannot talk about yourself in a way that is genuinely different, and if you lack the skill to package and promote your services in a way that looks more exciting and relevant than others who do something similar – instead of your dream clients choosing YOU, you will lose out to others who can.

This isn’t a nice to have, it’s the most important aspect that will impact your success.

It will also massively influence the level at which you are able to convert.

Since there are no runner up prizes in business, doing this critical work will drive up your profit faster than anything else.

We must NEVER forget that our business is there to serve our life.

A healthy profit generates you time, and the freedom to run your business (and your life) exactly as you choose, so it should always be your goal.

The heartbreaking problem I see with so many fantastic businesses I come across, is because their skillsets lie in other areas they are blind to their weaknesses in this respect.

They either don’t understand the need to do this, because they’ve always managed to win clients by showing up in person and being knowledgeable and nice to have around.

Or they don’t realise the speed at which their market has changed, so they assume what worked for them in the past will work equally as well for them going forward.

The Different Levels Of Awareness

The above group of people are known as problem unaware.

The problem aware crew, on the other hand, know they need to do something about their message to market and the packaging of their services - but they end up delegating that all important work to a tactical marketing communications person or a jobbing copywriter, who has no background or proven skill in this area.

Know The Different Levels Of Awareness

Sometimes they may make an attempt, perhaps with a bit of help from AI tools like ChatGPT, to crack the issue themselves.

They'll put in some effort and decide what they have is good enough.

However, because they're too close to their own product, they can’t see why they are STILL looking and sounding too similar to others.

This drives down the perception of their value, and increases the risk they'll get overlooked and ignored by the clients they'd be perfect for.

This is what we address in our Messaging Waterfall Method.

How To Package And Position Your Services For Success

The Messaging Waterfall Method places a laser sharp focus on your competitive positioning and message to market, and interrogates your brand to equip you with a compelling, unique and sticky set of words and phrases that set you apart.

What do you mean by sticky, you may be thinking?

There are certain words, phrases and ways of putting them together that bypass the curiosity filter.

That's about grabbing attention quickly and making your core message or value so clear and direct that your ideal prospects don’t have to think twice about taking things further with you.

This isn’t something that happens randomly.

There is a proven science as well as an art behind this, and that’s why the top copywriters in the world are still paid millions – even today.

Have You Lacked Resource?

The second problem you may have had is that, as a small business owner, you have probably not had the financial resource or the right tools to scale your business effectively.

With increasing levels of saturation, and as your market matures, you may have been operating on a shoestring compared to what it really takes to succeed.

That’s why I can say with certainty that, whatever they say, most of your rivals have been struggling too.

The issue with most expert businesses is cashflow, and the need to fund their growth from this.

Larger, mature businesses can afford to build a solid strategic foundation for their brand.

They don't expect (or need) results from Day One.

They build data driven systems for evaluating and adjusting campaign performance.

They also know that running straight into tactical campaigns without a strategy that underpins them is the best way to waste money and ultimately fail.

You Need A Solid Strategic Foundation For Your Growth

Leading Global Brands Do It Like THIS!

For example, when we worked with ITV they invested over £50,000 in market research before we even started on the task of creating their identity.

We held focus groups that we segmented by persona, we tested the logos and messages live in front of them, watched their reactions, and interviewed them to dig deep on their motivators and pain points.

The brand strategy was refined and developed to such a high level that the hyper-personalised campaigns that ran off the back of them achieved every metric that was set for them.

This meant that the campaigns we started stood the test of time, working over and over again to deliver even better results as time went on.

Cold Outreach Is Like Trawler Fishing

As a small business owner or independent service provider, you may have been outreaching to drive leads, and maybe running ads or email campaigns too.

Aside from sounding too samey, the biggest factor that will have been standing in the way of your success is your inability to personalise, and directly talk to the current and specific needs of your individual prospects.

When you do this online, it is called conversational marketing, and UNTIL NOW, the ability to do this has been restricted to larger, better established companies with much bigger budgets.

You may well have spoken to those slick lead generation providers that tell you it’s all about implementing some other tech based trick or hack that makes you sound like you’ve spent half a day analysing someone’s website or auditing their Linked In profile or whatever.

But the truth is, smart people see right through that.

It’s still spam.

And to be fair, until now, I’ve done quite a bit of that spamming myself.

I’ve run cold email campaigns, and automated campaigns on the back end of my social media platforms.

The problem with these is it’s like trawler fishing.

Where the big fish get away and you're left with a net full of minnows.

All you can rely upon – even with the highest quality, most lean back messaging – is hitting people at that exact same moment that the big problem you’re solving has been foremost in their mind that very day.

That, when you think about it, is a blunt instrument, and it’s also behind what’s so inefficient about these tactics.

You end up annoying a lot of people to hit that 1 in a 100 at the right time for them to take action and get on a call with you.

Cold Outreach Is Like Trawler Fishing

You're Entering The Sales Cycle Too Early

Even when those fish that you've caught jump on a call, they’re still pretty ignorant about your services.

If you're lucky, they may have checked out your website, or perhaps you’ve even bothered to redirect them to a video or thank you page after they’ve booked a call, and they've actually taken in something they saw there.

This still barely skims the surface of "know like and trust", and puts you in a position of developing a relationship from scratch when you get into that first call or meeting.

This also means you’re entering the sales cycle too early.

That's also when you’re going to be wasting time and effort in conversation with people who have not invested in you, and may have no intention to.

These are not prospects, they’re leads.

And without a solid warm up, qualification and conversion process in front of that call, leads will always convert at an extremely low rate.

Want A Client Getting Machine?

That time you’re wasting in 1:1 conversation with them is also time that you could be investing into making your business world class, or providing your valued clients with those "little unexpected extras" that keep them coming back for more.

Step Two therefore of your Chosen First System is therefore the Conversion Code.

Our AI powered marketing system that generates leads and nurtures them with bespoke, highly focused conversations that only turn into a call or meeting, when they fully understand your offer and know that it’s for them.

This is a client getting MACHINE that works harder for you than you will EVER have to work for it, for years to come!

That is completely different to those click to client promises the get rich quick online marketing gurus love to make.

Click To Client Doesn't Work!

Click to client never works in b2b, that’s business to business, and if you’re selling high ticket, it doesn’t work in b2c either.

On the few occasions it does, it usually results in buyer remorse, and a request for a refund or cancellation.

Why? Because there’s been no conversation, qualification or bespoke attention leading up to it.

And a lot of people lie. I’ve seen people make ridiculous claims I absolutely know are not true.

  • They’ll pretend to have hundreds of clients when they’ve never had one.
  • They’ll doctor their Stripe accounts to prove their overnight success narrative isn’t fake.?
  • They’ll make up case studies and fabricate testimonials
  • Or pretend their life partner’s decade old business is their own, when it’s in a completely different sector and they played no part in growing it.

I’ve seen all of these things, and maybe so have you?

This reeks of desperation, and sadly taints the reputation of the decent, ethical marketers that are out there (like me).

For this reason, trust in the help sector as it’s called, is at an all time low, and very few smart people believe what they see or hear online.

The Issue With Account Based Marketing (ABM)

Also knowing this, you might have decided that you’re going to go down the manual reachout route, bring more personalisation and research to the picture when you target people.

I’ve had VA’s do this for me too, and it’s certainly more effective in terms of driving interest than the automated route.

However the issue with the manual account based marketing approach, as it’s called, is reach.

Unless you’re looking for a deal size that’s 6 figure minimum, the ROI doesn't work.

Even if you ARE looking for 6 or 7 figure deals, our AI powered system offers you a cheaper and faster way to find them.

So without our AI driven Conversion Code you’ve got two choices:

You either adopt the "used car salesmen" tactics and try and force commitment from the handful of prospects you have (which will get them running in the opposite direction) - OR you waste a ton of time and effort chasing them.

Not only does this lengthen the sales cycle, and drive down your profit, but during that time you think they’re interested in working with you, they are usually busily shopping around to see who there is out there that can do what you do at a cheaper price.

Get Off The Hamster Wheel

This is the hamster wheel that so many deserving and extremely talented and experienced business owners like you have found themselves on.

Now there is a solution.

Imagine if you had an intelligent marketing assistant that worked 24/7 to find, attract, and convert your ideal clients FOR you—without the guesswork or time and labour intensive hustle?

Get Off The Hamster Wheel Of Constant Hustle!

We programme the AI to effortlessly dial in your target audience and automatically attract high-quality prospects who are?actively?and currently looking for what you offer.

This will capture leads, filter, qualify and start conversations, and engage them in nuanced, timely follow-ups that build trust and guide them toward an online buying decision or appointment.

Hyper-Personalised Messaging At Scale

As we’ve already noted, generic messages are hard to convert.

Our AI uses deep data insights to understand your audience’s behaviour, preferences, and pain points.

It then effortlessly crafts hyper-personalised messages that speak directly to their needs.

This creates a deeply relevant one-on-one connection that can extend to hundreds, even thousands, of potential clients, without you ever having to engage in person yourself.

Data-Driven Decisions Eliminate Guesswork

The platform automatically adjust campaigns based on real-time analytics, that reveal exactly what’s working and what’s not.

It generate insights into campaign performance, audience engagement, and quality of leads, so you can scale your business without overwhelm, and focus on the people and things that matter most.

How To "Set And Forget"

The third step – and you will love this – is set and forget. We set up and keep an eye on your campaigns and offer you access to our weekly drop ins and 24/7 support if there’s anything you want to ask us, or you want us to adjust for you.

You don’t need to learn this platform, or hire someone else to manage it for you, and you can dump all those itty bitty software subscriptions and integrations too.

Everything you need, including calendar bookings, social media scheduling, text and email marketing, ads if you want to run them, payment gateways and any other feature you want to include are all there for you.

You'll be helping yourself to the equivalent of a smart, capable, full time marketing team or agency that NEVER gets sick, has a family crisis, or needs to eat, sleep, pay rent or bills, or take a holiday!

It's us, not you, that programmes and controls it, so that it works 24/7, 365 to get you results!

If you’re ready to transform your marketing from a time-consuming headache to a streamlined, results-driven machine, click the link below to schedule a call.


We’ll tell you exactly how we’ll help you fill your pipeline with limitless flow of dream clients, increase your revenue, and build a thriving business—without burning out.

If you've enjoyed this article, and it's created value for you, please LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE to your network.

You can probably see the care I've poured into it - and it would mean a lot to me to get the message out there and help more talented and deserving business owners achieve the success that should be theirs!

Thanks so much for reading - and I’ll see you again soon!

Jane xx

P.S. It really can be tough today to know where to go and what to do, and it can often feel that everyone else but you is getting it right. So if you're struggling, I’d like to leave you with the words of the poet Marianne Williamson:

?"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually who are you not to be?"

Jit Patel

Wealth Consultant helping any investor achieve above 20% plus Returns on their investments by guiding you to invest safely through Tokenisation of AAA grade Social Housing property.

4 个月

Really enjoyed this post Jane. I think we need one of our catch ups!!!!

Uzair Wamiq

Economist I Entrepreneur

4 个月

Good Insights Jane, I believe we should all get off the hamster wheel and and book that call with Jane!

Ms Karolina Suliokiene

Notary Public Cardiff (England & Wales) - KS Notary Services Ltd. & Reflective Source Translations Ltd. (Company Owner), DPSI Law, GDL Law, CILEx, Notarial Practice Course at Faculty of Laws, University College of London

4 个月

Very useful tips, thank you for sharing

Keith Corbett

Self-Empowerment Expert | Getting you from Woe to Wow! in record time

4 个月

Some good tips in there Jane, very useful

i love this! awesome nuggets !


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