How to solve the problem of ISIS in the world?
Before you solve any problem or look to overcome a challenge, you need to first accept that there is a problem or challenge. Once you accept that there is a problem or challenge, you have to go to the root of the situation, and find out reasons that created the problem or challenge.
Here we go for ISIS.
If we see the root of the situation of ISIS, we invariably go to the mistakes that some politicians made to create this problem. As far as ISIS go, as I understood from those who are saying that getting on to Iraq, Afganistan and other countries was a mistake. They go further and say that in order to offset former USSR, the USA has created these people, who are now a global problem. But I do not think so. If you keep going back in the history, you will see that Islamic politicians or emperors have also made some mistakes. My way of looking to the problem is that the world has forgiven Islamic politicians and emperors who made mistake by killing innocent people to establish their superiority, it's time for Islamic leaders to follow the suite.
To establish peace, one must look forward than backwards. As it seems now that ISIS or any other affiliated organisations have only one business and that is terrifying innocent people by attacking them unaware. I think, it is something that has been done earlier by many leaders including those who were engaged in Imperialism like many Muslim invaders including Mohammad and others, French invaders like Nepolean, British invaders and leaders, German leader like Hitlers and a number of other personalities that have only one aim of ruling the world by spreading their own ideology. As such, I take ISIS as one of the invaders on peace.
Since many parties are also involved in this game, including Muslim countries where the terrorists take training and spread their own ideology by physically capturing land in the country. However, only one country that stands out from all other struggling Muslim country is Pakistan. As one of the respected Canadian writer has pointed out correctly, Pakistan has accommodated all the terrorists including Osama Bin Laden who was killed by US troopers and also training facilities for them. No Pakistani political leader has guts to go against the army who controls most of the terrorist activities not only in India but also around the world. Pakistan has been diplomatically superior to many leaders and has been enjoying playing a double game for a long time. Also, in Pakistan there are less than 45% who speak Urdu and still it is the official language of the country neglecting other languages like Punjabi and others.
As such, if Pakistan is neutralized properly, it is easy to take down the building of ISIS earlier than later. To neutralize Pakistan, there are number of ways to deal with them. For example, diplomatically or military subjugation of the subject. This is the great task as the problem is not in Pakistan where most of the controlling of these activities are done. Funding comes to these ISIS guys from the sale of petroleum. As such, not only to encounter the environmental threat but also phasing out petroleum from consumption will automatically control these activities. Also, it is important to look at the imperial challenge of spread of Islam in the world. By increasing their number in the world, it is easy to politically engage in the world to make it possible for these terrorists to make their way in the country, as such, keeping them away from secret service of Intelligence is also important.
Keeping an alliance of countries thinking in the same way is way to go. Sharing of intelligence and other activities which are already on the way need to continue. Though it is a long struggle, it must be neutralized earlier else shear number of population will become one of the machinery to change the political machinery in favor of Islam Imperialism.