How to Solve The Meeting Scheduling Problem

How to Solve The Meeting Scheduling Problem

For anyone who is in business has experienced the calendar back and forth problem. It goes something like this:

You: “How does your week look?”

Them: “You mean this week or next week?”

You: “Next week, this week is crazy”

Them: “Great, how about Thursday or Friday?”

You: “Next Friday right?”

Them: “Should I call you or you want to call me?”

It seems to go on and on, we want to be flexible and we want to nail down the time. The problem is error prone with time zone differences and misunderstandings. This problem has always been a pet-peeve of mine.

Well today there is a solution for this annoying problem. Today you can batch up your available times to meet or speech on the phone and share these times with those you would like to meet with. Each person’s calendar is updated and reminder emails are sent. If changes are needed either person can move the meeting without having to contact the other person and again their calendars are synched. Magic Right?

This capability has dramatically simplified my workflow. No longer do I engage with the endless back and forth. I simply share my calendar link and everyone and they pick the time that works best for them.

There are several solutions for this problem but the easiest I have found is Acuity Scheduling.

If you found this post helpful please Share, Like and Comment with thoughts.

I accept all connection requests from those who are interested in being more effective.

Thank You for Stopping by and lets have bacon sometime,


Monica F.

++Empowering people to change the world++

6 年

Here at TimeTrade we understand these headaches and are the industry leaders in online appointment scheduler. Feel free to connect with me for more information!

Devin I.

Regional Director - Account Management

7 年

i only like this because of the picture of the dog with sunglasses

Keith Hanson

Contract Developer focused on open source LLMs, AI tools, and custom software development

7 年

Because most of my time is spent in the inbox when it really gets down to a meeting, I use Mixmax's suite of tools. Links look gorgeous, are branded with our branding, and I can do lots of calendar tricks. Having a CRM sync your inbox + powerful tools like Mixmax keeps the back and forth low most times. I will say, though, I've struggled trying to use the link (Calendly as well) as a way to kick off the meeting. It seems very robotic and cold as opposed to someone being responsive and ensuring it's mutually agreeable. Thoughts here? Am I overthinking it?


