How to Solve These Common Floor Scrubber Problems   Part II
Ms. Amazon Vivian

How to Solve These Common Floor Scrubber Problems Part II

Hey guys.Ms. Amazon Vivian here.

Today let's talking about:How to Solve These Common Floor Scrubber Problems Part II

Problem No 5: The machine is not sucking all the dirty water up.


One of the key features of a floor scrubber dryer is that it should leave the floor dry behind it. If that’s not happening, there are many possible causes worth investigating:?

Possible Cause No 1: Full recovery tank.?

The recovery tank is where the water is deposited after being removed from the floor. If it’s full, then it simply needs emptying before you can carry on.?

Possible Cause No 2: The hose is not securely attached to the squeegee and recovery tank. A loose hose can prevent complete water pickup.

If you find everything ok, pull the Vac hose off the scrubber squeegee assembly. Now, look at the end of the hose. Can you see, is there plenty of suction made by the floor scrubber? Unfortunately, if you cannot see it happens, it seems that something happens with the hose that obstructs the suction capability of the scrubbing machine. Now check for an obstruction in the hose.

Sometimes debris can be further up the hose toward the recovery tank. It may be necessary to take the vac hose off and inspect it. A broom handle works well for clearing out clogged-up vac hoses. Also, look inside the squeegee where the vac hose attaches to it. The clog could be there too.?

Also, a break in the vacuum hose can create a loss of suction which results in water not being picked up. So, pls check the hose for any holes or cracks, even a small puncture can cause bad water pick up.

Possible Cause No 2:a worn or damaged or dirty squeegee blade will prevent water from being picked up, leaving streaks of water behind.?

Squeegee blades are responsible for gathering solutions into the vacuum hose. Blades can become damaged by uneven flooring or chemicals. They may also become worn from repeated use. Damaged or worn blades will cause the scrubber to leave streaks or patches of water where the blade isn’t level with the floor.

So pls check the squeegee blade for damage or wear. If there is noticeable damage flip the squeegee blade over, or replace the blade. Sometimes the blade will not be damaged, but it can have shifted from use. Sometimes, the squeegee only needs to simply clean can be a quick and simple fix.

Confirm that the squeegee switch is in the lowered or center position, this lowers the squeegee blade. The squeegee kit may have been bumped out of place, creating a gap between the squeegee and the floor. Check to see if the squeegee assembly is level. You may try to adjust the squeegee blade to be level to get a satisfactory cleaning result.

Possible Cause No 3: Is the vac motor running?

For a floor scrubber machine, a Vac motor plays an important role to perform the cleaning process. So you need to know about—is the Vc motor running well? Make sure the Vac motor of the machine is running on.?

Possible Cause: Vacuum System?


Understanding the basic idea of how the vacuum makes a suction at the squeegee will help in troubleshooting floor scrubber problems. The vac motor creates a vacuum in the recovery tank by pulling the air out of the tank. The vac hose is bringing air and dirty water and detergent up from the squeegee and dumping it in the recovery tank.

First, if the vacuum function is engaged and you don't hear the vac motor running first make sure the machine is charged.

Anytime a function on a scrubber is not coming on it is a good idea to make sure that the scrubber has been fully charged. If the battery voltage is low the scrubber may turn on and drive but the brushes and the vac will not turn on. Or they may come on for a minute or two and then turn off.?

Second, make sure that the vacuum system has been switched on and the hose is clear of any debris.

If the system is not on, turn the switch on. For build-up in the hose, detach the hose and empty the debris.

Third, If all these things have checked out ok it could be that the vac motor is worn out. Take the vac off and inspect it.?

You may find a vac rusted out or filled with wax residue. Sometimes these motors will make a grinding noise. Time to replace. Or when the scrubber and vacuum are on and sound weak, high-pitched, or is vibrating excessively, it may be time to replace your vacuum. Most equipment manufacturers warranty their vacuum motor for around 2 years.?

Also, you can check for voltage at the vac motor with a voltmeter.

Simply unplug the vac motor and check for the proper voltage either 24v or 36v coming from the machine. If you don't have voltage at the vac motor and you have already checked the items above it is now time to look at switches, relays, or contactors. If the vac is engaged and there is the proper voltage at the motor the vac and it is not coming on it will need to be replaced.?


If the vacuum system is on and free of debris, check to make sure all the connections are tight and sealed.

All caps and hoses must be tightly secured for the vacuuming system to operate properly. Loose connections will not enable the machine to pick up all of the liquid.?

If it is picking up some of the water but the squeegee is leaving a lot of streaks.

It should pick up all the water. What if it is picking up water fine in the middle of the ends of the squeegee but not the entire length of it? just like picks up the middle only picks up edges.

Take off the squeegee assembly and inspect it.

There could be trash, dirt, and other stuff blocking the water in between the inner and outer squeegee blades. Clean all this out. It is a very good idea to always take the squeegee off after each use and clean out the squeegee and wipe off the blades.?

The squeegee is out of adjustment. Check with your operator manual for instructions on adjusting the pitch.?

First, You might also find that the squeegee blades have just come loose and need to be reinstalled in the assembly.

The inner blade can be pulled out of the assembly part way. You may not be able to see this walking behind the machine. Take the Squeegee off. Notice how the inner blade of this Squeegee is pulled out on one side. The inner squeegee bade tension knob has gotten lost. This can also happen in the middle of the squeegee. Simply put it squeegee blades in place. This makes it easy to change the blades. This could be a good time to flip the blades around.?

Second, most rear squeegee blades can be flipped to use all 4 edges.

When the edges on the rear squeegee are not sharp and have gotten rounded they will not pick up water very well. When this happens you will see streaks of dirty water left behind. It could be time to replace your squeegee blades.?

Possible Cause: Full debris tray.


Almost all automatic floor scrubbers will have a collection tray to pick up large debris such as rocks, bottles caps, and other garbage that the machine ran over. In this case, the solution is to empty the debris tray.?

If your machine does not have a debris tray, your scrubber may be clogged. Contact an authorized repair technician to identify and remove the blockage.?


Debris trays are more common on cylindrical auto scrubbers than disc scrubbers.?

Problems No 5. Machine run time has decreased?

If the machine run time has decreased, three potential issues must be checked:?

First, Check the charger is plugged in properly or not. If not, charge the batteries.

If the batteries are charged and your machine is still not operating for the recommended length of time, there may be a loose connection. Check the wires on the battery before contacting a certified technician.

If an on-board charger, check the three LEDs. If none are on, then you likely have a faulty charger and it will need to be replaced. if the lights are on and the red or yellow light is on, then the batteries aren’t fully charged and the charge cycle needs to be completed. If the green light is on, then the charger is working and the next step is to consider the batteries.?

Second, check the batteries.

If the batteries are wet, lead-acid batteries, check the water levels in the battery cells. If they require watering, just do the battery watering base on the user manual.

If the batteries don’t require watering and are over 18 months old, if the capacity has reduced the run time to below your requirements, then it is time to replace the batteries. But if it can meet your run time requirements, then you still have some useful life left.?

Tip 1:

If the batteries in the machine need to be replaced, it’s usually best to replace the whole set, rather than replacing one or two batteries. Mixing old and new batteries can result in over-charging problems.?

Tip 2:

You should always charge machine batteries to 100% before using them. Do not opportunity charge, or charge the battery whenever you get the chance. Using the battery before reaching a full charge, will shorten the life of the battery, causing you to have to invest in new batteries more frequently.?

Problems No 6. Recovery tank not draining

If your recovery tank is not draining, there is a clog somewhere in the draining system. The two main areas of potential clogging are at the tank drain or the restriction collar on the drain hose.?

First, start by checking the restriction collar

Being sure to keep the hose well above the top of the recovery tank so that the water doesn’t splash out once the debris is cleared.

If the clog is located here, clear the clog with your hand or a tool and then drain as normal.

Second, if the clog is not located at the restriction collar, then it is likely in the recovery tank at the drain opening.

In this case, we suggest that the operator put rubber gloves on before submerging their hand to check for the clog. Once the clog is found, clear the drain and then empty as normal. In the unlikely event that the clog is in another part of the drain hose, we encourage utilizing a water hose to backflush the clog from the recovery hose. Of course, a long thin tool of some kind can be used as well, but be extremely careful not to puncture the hose wall.?


Automatic floor scrubbers will be plagued by simple maintenance issues like a clogged hose or a dead battery that could have been avoided with regular servicing and maintenance.?

Check to make sure there is water in the solution tank.?

Make sure there are no obstructions in the clean water solution tank. Keep the obstructions out of the tanks.?

If the scrubber has a pump and it is not pumping check to make sure the pump is getting power from the batteries. If the pump is bad you will probably need to replace it. These types of pumps are generally not repairable.

Most machines today have water filters in the solution line to make sure the water is clean before it continues through the system. This protects the solution control valve and solenoid from damage. These filters accumulate sediment and chemical buildup over time and can prohibit the flow of water. They need to be cleaned regularly.?

Solenoids are used to regulate the flow of solution onto the floor. This uses less water and is more efficient. Solenoids need the power to operate so check to make sure it is getting power from the batteries. If the solenoid is bad simply replace it.

The water flow on most machines is controlled by a switch on the dashboard. Check to make sure the switch is operating correctly.

The computer board may be bad as well. Check to see if the board is operating correctly. If it isn’t it may be the reason the solenoid, pump, or switch isn’t working.

If none of these troubleshooting tips were able to increase the amount of dirty water and solution your auto scrubber is picking up, contact an authorized repair center for help identifying and resolving other possible causes.

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