How Social media affect the old media
Old media has a tendency to lose control over the previous dominance on agenda-setting. For traditional media, the transition toward melted media can be risky and painful. While many newspapers are struggling with the financial crisis, People’s Daily sets up a “Central Kitchen” mechanism to develop its new media products, meanwhile ensures efficiency.
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As the most influential mainstream media in China, it covers and delivers critical information on its content and tongue. With the adoption of social media, the communication technology brings people closer to the news to educate, inform and entertain
Many researchers have come across the interchangeable usage of the terms “social media” and “Web2.0”; however, these two terms are closely related yet not exactly synonymous, and they differ in terms of usage. For the purpose of this research, and in order to avoid any confusion, the above mentioned terms will be defined, despite the fact that social media is the central gravity of the research. In regards of the term Web 2.0, Tim O'Reilly, the founder of O'Reilly media, has coined that "Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform." He has further provided a general business aspect in relations of Web 2.0 as the “harnessing of collective intelligence”, in which Web 2.0 provides platforms and fills the Web with user-generated content where all individuals – the former audience are able to take part in instead of important decisions made by a few people. Alternatively, Web 2.0 is a platform whereby content and applications are continuously modified and exchanged by all users in participatory and collaborative manner, and no longer merely created and published by individuals. There are still many ongoing debates and discussions regarding social media’s universal definition; as social media has been transforming and merging into the evolving development of New Media
In Old media Television and Radio have a great influence on people’s daily lives and routines, affecting the content and times that audiences watch and listen? Mass media has at least three important roles to play: to inform, to educate and to influence opinion. These distinctive features of old media have been challenged by new media, which is changing the participation habits of the audiences. Radio broadcasting services were introduced in India in the twenties while television services started in 1959. In the early days, people gathered around the radio set in the evening to listen to popular network programs. When television finally became a living room reality, people sat around TV sets watching their favourite shows. The revolution in TV comes in 1982 when color TV sets were introduced to the common people with the event Asian Games organized at Delhi. The cable revolution came in 90’s with the gulf war between Iraq and Iran.? The pace of development quickened, and it was then that round the clock radio services in various languages started. In Radio start of FM channels (FM Gold) on All India Radio started the revolution. It gives a boost to the radio programs. With the start of private FM channels radio again leaves other mass mediums behind. A guy or a girl can be seen listening to the private or government FM channel any time any day means 24X7.
Mass media enables people to participate in events and interact with communities over long distance. One needs only to think of elections, World Cup soccer and royal weddings to appreciate the intensity with which people can share in these events. TV, radio and newspapers bring the outside world into our homes. The broadcast times of programs set the routine of life within homes. Their content provides viewers and listeners with something to talk about for days. The reality shows on the Radio and TV channels allowed the common man to participate in the programs broadcasted by the media and now they feel themselves to be the part of the programs. Old media has served as a companion as well as an important source of information for the audience.
Given that the component of the audience could be more far-reaching and complex compared to the physical newspaper, contents posted on social media by People’s Daily are comparatively superficial and lack in-depth content, following the trend of fragmentation. It is doubted that the habit of covering interesting information instead of hard news could constrain the conversation on deep value and damage investigative journalism. People who adapt to the narrative style of new media would also be satisfied with short messages and give up reading longer paragraphs and understanding issues in a board view. On social media, to better draw the attention of the audience, the news is released by People’s Daily in a subjective way. With the frequent use of exclamatory marks and words such as “significant” and “must-see”, individuals are immersed in the emotional flow of communication. Within the form of short videos, the audience is presented with close- up scenes and a sense of presence, which especially strengthen emotions. Since emotions have become a crucial part of news reporting, they serve as frames for issues and tools to guide the audience without notice, leading to intensive social emotionalization. Though it seems like nowadays everyone has a microphone to voice on social media, People’s Daily is not yet wide open. While it criticizes the social issues, it would advocate a favorable attitude and then carefully select comments below each post and merely show the positive ones. When people find their viewpoints are not accepted and shared, they would be frustrated and remain silent, forming and exaggerating the tendency of “spiral of silence”
Old is gold. But that does not mean that new changes should be overlooked or even cast aside. It will be beneficial for RTM to tap ways to respond to the global financial crisis and changes in demand, so as to enhance its role in society. It needs to expand broadcast coverage, improve its services to the public, increase output in new media, reduce reliance on advertisement, and provide funding with favorable policies to small and medium sized program producers. The potential for increasing reach to users worldwide must be explored and exploited. At the same time, support must be given to local content producers. Market research should also be diversified. Finally, best practices should be adopted in the evaluation of current internet standards and web development.